The Standard (St. Catharines)

Belle of the ball

Make no mistake, Emma Watson steals the show in this version of Beauty and the Beast


Beauty and the Beast is the latest to make the live-action leap, although there’s an odd thread of CGI running between the 1991 original and this one. Back then, a state-of-the-art computer created a digital ballroom in which the hand-drawn characters danced. Twenty-six-years later, CGI and motion capture is employed to turn Dan Stevens into the bisontine Beast.

As for the plot, very little has changed. Belle (Emma Watson) remains an odd, bookish beauty living in a provincial French town, where for unknown reasons almost everyone has a British accent. I blame Les Misérables for starting the trend and keeping it going since 1985; incidental­ly, one of the film’s new songs, Evermore, sung by the mopey Beast, has a distinctly Misérables (and miserable) tone.

After her father (Kevin Kline) disappears on his travels, Belle finds he’s been captured by a hideous monster with some stunning real estate; the film’s opening shot replaces the usual Disney castle with the Beast’s palatial abode.

Belle offers to take her dad’s place as the Beast’s prisoner. This puts her in contact with her captor’s friendly, bewitched servants, including Cogsworth the clock (Ian McKellen), Mrs. Potts (perfectly voiced by Emma Thompson), a wardrobe (Audra McDonald) and a harpsichor­d (Stanley Tucci). There’s also a feather duster (Gugu Mbatha-Raw) who’s in love with a candelabra named Lumière. (He sports the film’s most outrageous French accent, despite being voiced by the proudly Scottish Ewan McGregor. That’s globalizat­ion for you.)

The remake runs long compared to the original — 129 minutes versus just 84 — but it doesn’t feel bloated. Everyone gets a smidgen more backstory, so that we learn what happened to Belle’s mother (it wasn’t pretty), and how the Beast’s beastly manners may have been due in part to bad parenting.

And yes, Josh Gad’s character, lackey to the preening Gaston (Luke Evans), is revealed to be gay, although I’d question whether it’s as “openly” as some are saying. Aside from a quick same-sex spin on a dance floor, he spends most of the movie deep inside a closet labelled “innuendo.”

But this is Belle’s story, and Watson does a fine job of updating the character for a modern world, providing her with steely strength, intelligen­ce (she invents a horsepower­ed washing machine) and determinat­ion. She may still need the Beast’s help to fight off a pack of wolves, but before he arrives she’s brawling like Liam Neeson.

It helps that the original movie was made as the studio was realizing that female characters could be more than window-dressing damsels. Called the Disney Renaissanc­e, the period also introduced The Little Mermaid, Pocahontas and Mulan; its previous princess had been the narcolepti­c Sleeping Beauty from 1959.

Some may gripe that there’s not enough that’s new in this version of the story, although director Bill Condon (Dreamgirls, Twilight: Breaking Dawn) has said there’s no pleasing everyone when it comes to remakes.

But can you believe there was a point when Disney imagined it might strip out the songs altogether? Sacré bleu! Condon says he’s since gone the other way and included nods to other musicals, although the only one that popped at me was the scene where Watson seems about to break into the theme from The Sound of Music.

And so we have a perfectly serviceabl­e retelling, with modern effects and even an Imax release. It will easily satisfy the Disney faithful, and it will no doubt further encourage the studio to move ahead with live-action versions of Snow White, Mulan, The Little Mermaid, The Lion King and more.

Though I’d argue that a new musical version of 1943’s Victory Through Air Power might be pushing things too far. And I’m still on the fence about whether next month’s Fate of the Furious is in fact just a live-action reboot of Disney/Pixar’s Cars. Time will tell.

 ?? WENN ?? Dan Stevens (as the Beast), Emma Watson as Belle in Beauty and the Beast, directed by Bill Condon.
WENN Dan Stevens (as the Beast), Emma Watson as Belle in Beauty and the Beast, directed by Bill Condon.

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