The Standard (St. Catharines)

Metrolinx COO to address business audience


A senior official with Metrolinx will address Niagara businesses Friday about how it’s creating connection­s across Ontario.

It’s a timely address in a region still brimming with excitement following the announceme­nt last year from the provincial government that regular GO train service will arrive by 2021.

Greg Percy, chief operating officer with Metrolinx, is scheduled to deliver the keynote speech at the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce’s annual general meeting and chair’s luncheon. He will also take questions from attendees.

The event will be held between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. at the Americana Conference Resort and Spa on Lundy’s Lane in Niagara Falls.

Mishka Balsom, president and chief executive officer of the chamber, said she’s looking forward to hearing Percy’s address, especially because it was Metrolinx that reached out to the chamber to speak at one of their events.

“We didn’t actually reach out, they came to us and they said we would like to speak in Niagara about just the importance of transit, and we said gladly,” she said.

Instead of creating an event specifical­ly for the address, the chamber decided to make it part of its annual meeting.

“I think Metrolinx is making a huge investment in Ontario and in Ontario transit, and I think they want communitie­s and regions to be aware of what they’re doing to get Ontario connected from one region and one city to another,” said Balsom.

The chamber has continuous­ly advocated for the importance transit has to a community, its economy, businesses and employees, and has supported recent pushes for year-round GO train service and an inter-municipal transit system in Niagara.

“It’s critical to be connected. I think that’s a good message to hear. I think it’s very timely,” she said, pointing to the GO train announceme­nt.

“You see over the last couple of years investment that has taken place in Ontario, and the focus it has given to transporta­tion and the real understand­ing and commitment to growing that sector and connecting us. I think it’s good to see.”

 ??  ?? Percy
 ??  ?? Balsom

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