The Standard (St. Catharines)



Minimum wage hike short-sighted

The provincial government’s just announced large minimum wage hike is short-sighted.

Understand­ably people getting this increase will be pleased.

The reason for this wage hike is twofold.

Premier Kathleen Wynne made life very hard for people with low-paying jobs to the point that her policies caused people to be pushed into poverty.

With her relentless tax and fee increases she has been milking regular Ontarians to the bone.

Under Wynne the two most hurtful cost increases were the carbon tax and the incredible mismanaged hydro rate increases, beside all the other increases.

The second reason for this wage hike is that Wynne is so low in the polls that she must win more votes and this gets her all the NDP voters.

What Wynne doesn’t tell is that directly after the elections next year the hydro rates will see large increases on top of our current rates.

Small businesses are providing the bulk of badly needed tax revenues.

Many small businesses will not be able to absorb this minimum wage increase, while Wynne gives companies like Ford, GE and many other multi-nationals hundreds of millions of dollars in corporate welfare.

Sadly, many people in the minimum

wage bracket will lose their jobs or have their work hours cut. Wynne is desperate to cling to power and everything goes.

Small business closures and the many layoffs are considered roadside casualties of pursuing her goal.

Rob Janssen Lincoln

Petrowski should resign

I am so weary of regional Coun. Andy Petrowski’s behaviour, excuses and insincere apologies.

It’s time for him to admit that there is no excuse that is acceptable for his recent behaviour.

Mr. Petrowski should remember his God is watching and I’m sure that He/She is not happy.

Mr. Petrowski should accept the blame and do the honourable thing — resign.

Yvonne Dugdale St. Catharines

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