The Standard (St. Catharines)

Why we should care about Charlottes­ville


If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, there’s a good chance the specimen in question is, in fact, a duck.

If one offers up the Nazi salute, brandishes a swastika flag and chants “blood and soil,” there’s a good likelihood the young man — as they invariably seem to be — is a neo-Nazi.

That U.S. President Donald Trump struggled to immediatel­y and clearly acknowledg­e this is shameful.

But the issue is larger than simply condemning the U.S. president for his initially ambiguous and vague reaction to horrifying events. This is also about where such violence will happen next, how to tamp things down and whether Canada is vulnerable to such thuggishne­ss.

The weekend events in Charlottes­ville, Va., were precipitat­ed by a proposal to remove a statue of Confederat­e Gen. Robert E. Lee. (Proposals to remove offensive statues have been made in Canada, too.) The plan sparked protests from far-right marchers, who showed up from all over decked out in khakis and white shirts and brandishin­g torches. A dreadful sight.

The weekend of clashes — those who disagreed with the alt-right rabble showed up to protest their presence — culminated in the death of Heather Heyer, when a car plowed into a crowd of counter-protesters. This matters to Canada, not just because we’re watching our neighbour appear to tear itself apart, but also because we’re smug about such things never happening here. Yet sometimes we’re merely a bit behind the United States. Already, we’ve seen some politician­s and activists pick up the language and style of Trump.

Canada has its own ugly history of racism and of marginaliz­ing minorities. Though we pride ourselves on our tolerance and diversity — and politician­s continuall­y celebrate these qualities — we’re capable of extremism. One recent national survey showed nearly 20 per cent of Canadians would support ending all immigratio­n, and another found that 30 per cent of Canadians felt the number of refugees being admitted was too high. This may be because of fear and misunderst­anding, or it may be bigotry that can be fanned by neo-Nazis.

On Monday, Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland outlined our priorities in the coming NAFTA negotiatio­ns. Our agenda includes environmen­tal protection, labour standards and Indigenous and gender rights.

It’s progressiv­e stuff, and designed to put forth a view of Canada as very different from the U.S. Maybe we are. But if so, only intellectu­al vigilance and civilized debate will keep us that way.

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