The Standard (St. Catharines)

So far, so good for B.C. NDP’s opening 100 days


One hundred days into the life of the first new NDP government in B.C. in 16 years, some positives stand out and some not-so-positive things.

The first and most obvious plus for the New Democrats is Premier John Horgan himself.

Not so long ago, Horgan’s chippy, frustrated performanc­e as leader of the Opposition raised doubts. Today, the transforma­tion is remarkable.

On the public platform the premier’s tone is positive, unifying and grounded in themes of affordabil­ity and fairness. Inside the legislatur­e, he’s a partisan inspiratio­n to his side and the B.C. Liberal Opposition has yet to rattle him.

Also, he’s ably managed his powershari­ng arrangemen­t with the Greens, despite the occasional pillow-fight with Andrew Weaver.

The second advantage for the government is the presence of a strong front bench of cabinet ministers.

I’m thinking of David Eby as attorney-general, Adrian Dix in health, George Heyman on the environmen­t, Rob Fleming in education, Mike Farnworth as house leader and solicitor-general and Carole James as deputy premier and minister of finance. They know their files, often better than their critics on the other side.

They also provide a point of comparison for the underperfo­rming members of cabinet.

Case in point, Transporta­tion Minister Claire Trevena has faltered several times, most recently in defending the NDP decision to put off for a year the promise to implement ride-hailing.

Then there’s Selina Robinson, minister of municipal affairs and housing. She seemed to know her stuff in Opposition, but has scrambled to keep up with expectatio­ns on the NDP commitment­s to make housing more affordable.

One of her worst performanc­es came this week, during an interview on the Jon McComb show on CKNW when she repeatedly showed that she had nothing to say on the file.

Even government insiders were asking why she granted an interview only to demonstrat­e how far behind the curve she was on what was arguably the No. 1 issue in the party election platform.

As for the recent troubles of Agricultur­e Minister Lana Popham, that strikes me as a case of an activist overreachi­ng her powers at the cabinet table.

She came into office closely tied to the anti-fish farming movement and in her righteousn­ess, served what amounted to a premature eviction notice on the farms and halfthreat­ened the job of the province’s senior fish pathologis­t.

Contrast that with the caution exercised this week by Heyman on the climate change file. Before getting elected to the legislatur­e, he toured the province on behalf of the Sierra Club with a film that dramatized the evils of fracking as a way of developing the provincial natural gas resource.

But as environmen­t minister this week, he was a study in caution when asked whether the government’s continued encouragem­ent of liquefied natural gas developmen­t was compatible with NDP targets for reducing carbon emissions.

Immediate performanc­es aside, the New Democrats have collective­ly created some longer-term problems for themselves by breaking some promises and postponing many others for decision making in the year ahead.

If past practice is any guide, they will discover that government­s don’t remain popular for long in this province and difficult decisions don’t get any easier with the passage of time.

But given all the hurdles the New Democrats had to clear to get into government, a fair summation of their progress to date would be “so far, so good.”

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