The Standard (St. Catharines)

Caslin issues apology to reporter


Alan Caslin has issued a statement on the confiscati­on of a Standard reporter’s notebook and laptop computer after a blogger’s recording device was discovered running during a closed-doors session of regional council’s meeting last week.

The statement issued Sunday afternoonc­omes after repeated and unsuccessf­ul attempts by the newspaper to interview the regional chairman.

“A troubling incident occurred Thursday during a closed session of Niagara regional council,” the statement said. “After concerns were raised, it was found that a device was being used to record the closed session portion of the meeting, and at that time regional staff secured all of the media devices that were left in closed session.”

The Standard reporter had left the meeting as requested, as is routine, and was not recording the meeting. Still, he unlawfully had his equipment seized and was told he could get it back the next morning. Police were present.

Caslin continued his statement: “I wish to apologize wholeheart­edly and unreserved­ly to reporter Bill Sawchuk on behalf of Niagara Region, its employees and its councillor­s. What happened was wrong and I am sorry for the events that occurred. Earlier today, I spoke directly with Bill to apologize.

“Freedom of the press plays an integral role in Canadian democracy. Niagara Region understand­s this, and I reiterate the promise made on Friday and have asked staff to develop a plan to review all policies and protocols to prevent such an incident in the future.”

Caslin’s remarks follow an apology issued Friday by Region chief administra­tive officer Carmen D’Angelo and in the wake of national media coverage of what transpired.

His remarks also follow words St. Catharines Mayor Walter Sendzik shared on his Facebook page early Saturday evening.

Wrote Sendzik: “The treatment and removal of St. Catharines Standard’s reporter Bill Sawchuk from Region of Niagara’s building on Thursday night was not a direction of regional council. At no point during the meeting — which included an incamera discussion about an identifiab­le person as per the regulation­s of the Municipal Act — did council direct staff to have Niagara Regional Police remove Mr. Sawchuk.

“While council was justifiabl­y concerned about the discovery of a recording device located underneath a hat at the media table that was at the time of discovery found to be recording the in-camera discussion about an identifiab­le person council did not direct staff to locate and remove Mr. Sawchuk. The recording device was not the property of Mr. Sawchuk.

“As a member of regional council, I am disappoint­ed by how Mr. Sawchuk was treated. In the confusion of the other recording device that was found to be recording the incamera council discussion, it was understood that staff were going to request that Mr. Sawchuk show that his computer was not recording any of the in-camera discussion. How it turned into staff refusing to give Mr. Sawchuk’s computer back and why he was asked to the leave the building is beyond comprehens­ion,” Sendzik continued.

“I believe strongly that freedom of the press is a fundamenta­l principle of democracy. While government has the ability to go in-camera for very specific reasons as regulated by law — I don’t believe government should have the right to seize property of the media or remove reporters from government offices.

“I believe regional staff greatly mishandled this situation, and as a regional councillor I will request actions to be taken to ensure this never happens again. This is a stain on our image as a Region.

“Simple apologies are not enough — we need to ensure that the CAO of the Region of Niagara and support staff are held to account for this, and policies and procedures are adopted to prevent such egregious mistakes from ever being made again.”

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