The Standard (St. Catharines)

Moore’s loss shakes out host of political changes


On the first night of Hanukkah, a great light appeared in the southern sky: It was a Democrat, from the

State of Alabama, alighting in the United States Senate.

In the hierarchy of biblical wonders, the sweet triumph of Doug Jones will not challenge the miracle of the lamp in the temple (with oil enough for one day, it burned for eight). In politics, though, Jones’s upset comes close.

For a century or so, a segregatio­nist Alabama elected only conservati­ve Democrats, but it switched in 1992, with flinty resolve, to conservati­ve Republican­s. Donald Trump won the state overwhelmi­ngly in 2016.

What happened Tuesday in Alabama took an exquisite convergenc­e of events: a flamboyant Republican accused of sexual assault and child molestatio­n; a moderate Democrat with a reputation for integrity; a vulgar president inviting public humiliatio­n; and Alabamians, struggling to shed a past that kept them poor, reactionar­y and racist.

Roy Moore, the Republican, often invoked God in his campaign. Call his defeat an act of divine interventi­on, a political tsunami in the United States.

It alters the balance in the Senate to 51 Republican­s and 49 Democrats and Independen­ts, narrowing the GOP majority for the next year. Their advantage could all but disappear if John McCain, who has brain cancer, is absent.

It gives new leverage to moderate Republican­s — Susan Collins, Jeff Flake, Bob Corker — who have shown independen­ce. Now, with only one vote to spare rather than two, their dissent becomes critical.

It discredits Stephen Bannon, the self-styled populist who has declared war on the Republican leadership by threatenin­g to run antiestabl­ishment candidates against them in the primaries in the midterm election next year. He supported Moore until the end.

The vote was not a referendum on Trump, strictly speaking, but it was the best opportunit­y for appalled Americans to rebuke him.

It validates the #MeToo movement, which brought down Moore. He denied knowing his accusers, despite evidence to the contrary. Alabamians believed them. That is bad news for Trump, who faces similar allegation­s.

It relieves the congressio­nal Republican­s of an albatross. Had Moore been elected, they would have had to decide whether to seat him. Had they done so, Moore would have been the face of the Republican Party — a sanctimoni­ous cowboy, in a leather vest, packing a pistol, on a steed named Sassy.

It damages Trump. The vote was not a referendum on him, strictly speaking, but it was the best opportunit­y for appalled Americans to rebuke him a year after his election. Trump endorsed Moore and campaigned for him. Moore’s loss is a personal repudiatio­n.

Most of all, Alabama has redrawn the map of the 2018 midterm elections. Alabama is a special case

— a flawed candidate like Moore was a Christmas gift — but the lesson is electrifyi­ng: If the Democrats can win there, they can win anywhere.

Emboldened by their success in Alabama, the Democrats will strengthen efforts to take Republican seats in Arizona, Tennessee and Nevada, where the electorate is more favourable to them.

They will have an easier time recruiting star candidates — as they did in Tennessee — and raising money. Doug Jones — bland, honest and earnest — is now a rock star.

But the real news from Alabama is the victory of decency. It reflects the basic instinct, in this reddest of states, to do the right thing. To reject a bigot and his apologist in the White House.

To reach for the right side of history — and invite the rest of the country to follow.

— Andrew Cohen is journalist, professor and author.

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