The Standard (St. Catharines)

Canadians must work to reset Doomsday Clock


Marzhan Nurzhan has a mission. The 25-year-old from Kazakhstan is rallying global youth to tackle one of the biggest threats to her generation. But time may be running out.

On January 25, partly in response to North Korea’s recent weapons tests, internatio­nal scientists moved the hands of the Doomsday Clock — a symbolic gauge that measures the risk of nuclear war — to 11:58. It’s the closest to midnight we’ve been since 1953.

Midnight represents Armageddon. Nurzhan has been an internatio­nal advocate for nuclear disarmamen­t ever since she learned of the impact nuclear weapons had on her country. Two million Kazakhstan­is still suffer cancer and birth defects, the fallout from decades of Soviet weapons tests.

While many internatio­nal organizati­ons are active on nuclear disarmamen­t, advocates like Nurzhan face a major challenge getting ordinary people engaged, especially youth. During the Cold War, public demonstrat­ions against nuclear arms were common. Today, not so much. Increased threats haven’t increased public interest, says Nurzhan.

Rob van Riet, peace and disarmamen­t co-ordinator for the World Future Council, says nuclear disarmamen­t “feels too large for a lot of people and they feel powerless.”

Issues like climate change are daunting, but tangible. Ordinary citizens can contact politician­s, demanding policies that reduce emissions. More importantl­y, people have at least some control over their household energy use.

But making superpower­s give up their huge arsenals, let alone influencin­g a rogue state like North Korea, seems unattainab­le.

Still, Nurzhan and van Riet insist ordinary people can help reduce the global risk of nuclear conflict.

A powerful tool is divestment. The U.S., Russia and China want to upgrade their aging nuclear arsenals, and develop new types of smaller weapons that could be used on the battlefiel­d. The companies that build parts for those bombs are supported by investors like pension funds, and even our personal RRSP funds. We can pressure investors to drop these companies from their portfolios, pushing them to get out of the bomb business.

Canada is uniquely positioned to be a leader in nuclear disarmamen­t. As climate change makes Arctic waters more accessible to submarines,

Russia and the U.S. increasing­ly see the north as a key part of their nuclear strategy, according to van Riet. As a respected Arctic nation, Canada could lead the campaign to make the region a nuclear-free zone.

Likewise, with public pressure, Canada could play a diplomatic leadership role and insist that all nuclear states follow the example of China and India and declare a “no first-use” policy. This would reduce the risk of convention­al conflicts escalating into nuclear war.

But if Canada is to be that leader, we have to make it a priority for our government.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been conducting town halls across the country — a great opportunit­y to raise the issue, notes Douglas Roach, a former Canadian senator and ambassador for nuclear disarmamen­t.

“If he’s not hearing from people, he’s going to think people don’t care,” Roche pointed out.

The Cold War may be a distant memory, but its terrifying ghost still haunts us. It’s time for us to engage again on nuclear disarmamen­t. The clock is ticking.

Craig and Marc Kielburger are the co-founders of the WE movement, which includes WE Charity, ME to WE Social Enterprise and WE Day. For more dispatches from WE, check out WE Stories.


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