The Standard (St. Catharines)

A slaughter in Nigeria goes unreported


On Saturday, a slaughter of black Africans in Nigeria took place, but that news could not find space in any major newspaper or TV network other than the Daily Express in UK.

Could this self-imposed censorship be because it was a black on black crime? Or was it because the murderous killers were Fulani Muslims while the victims of the massacre were from villages of Nigeria’s Christian minority?

In the spirit of Black History Month and all the awareness raising efforts of the Black Lives Matter movement, perhaps some attention could be paid to the black lives lost in Nigeria and their stories lost in the news.

According to the Express, “armed men stormed through 15 villages to massacre Christians and destroy their churches in a violent crackdown against the religion in Nigeria ... Dozens of people have been killed after the gangs ransacked towns and villages to clear them of all aspects of the Christian faith.”

The Dutch-based Christian charity ‘Open Doors’ described the broad daylight attack as being carried out by a group of Muslim Fulani who are traditiona­l cattle herdsmen. “One attack took place in broad daylight, as people were about to go to church. The assailants chased and killed the villagers and burned down nine churches and many more houses,” their spokesman added.

The tragic black vs. black divide in Nigeria where Muslims are in a slight majority ruling over a significan­t Christian minority, is also a fight over resources.

Nigerian journalist Mark Amaza writing in Quartz Africa notes, “the response of the Nigerian government to these clashes has been very tepid: this crisis has not received the kind of attention the Boko Haram insurgency in the North-East received.”

Amaza adds that the growing conflict is further complicate­d by the fact that President Buhari has a shared ethnicity with the Fulani herdsmen. This makes the Nigerian president a party to the dispute.

The former chair of the country’s Human Rights Commission, Professor Chidi Odinkalu, also lambasted President Muhammadu Buhari, warning him to stop behaving like a president of only the Muslim Fulani and not of all Nigerians.

The reaction of the Muslim intelligen­tsia in Nigeria to the slaughter was disturbing. A former Vice Chancellor of Ahmadu Bello University, Professor Ango Abdullahi, defended the killings by Fulani herdsmen across the country.

Asked if herdsmen are not the ones committing the murders, he added, “The truth is, if you want to kill me and I have a chance first, I will kill you, or you do want people to be killed and not defend themselves?”

Does the ‘Ummah’ (the broader Muslim community) recognize the crimes against humanity being committed by our fellow Muslims, be it in Nigeria or Iran? Or will we put on the charade of victimhood, demanding pity while we cover up in a burka of deceit, like with the genocides in Darfur, Kurdistan, Papua New Guinea and Balochista­n?

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