The Standard (St. Catharines)


Canada’s skating royalty ‘didn’t feel like we were alone on the ice’ in phenomenal finale

- @simmonsste­ve

They weren’t ready to say goodbye, not this soon. Not this quickly.

They needed just one more wave to the crowd, one more hug, one last smile, one final moment to cherish and call their own.

For them. For Canada. For the figure skating world.

Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir, the most beloved of Canadian athletes, maybe ever, knew they had won gold before the scores were ever announced on the public address system. At least they thought they had won. In ice dance, considerin­g the history, you never really know.

But Moir knew as he skated off the Olympic Games ice as a competitio­n for the very last time. “We had no idea what number we had to hit,” Moir said. “We did know how we had to skate.”

And oh, how they skated. The flag-bearers. The couple Canadians have come to adore, our own royal skating family. Moir said there is no such thing as perfection. On Tuesday, at the Olympic Skating Venue, they put that statement to the test.

There will be other gold-medal winners here, so many Canadians on the podium, so many stories, so much feel good — just nothing feels any better than this. This is what you get from Virtue and Moir: They skate and they dance and you’re dancing along with them. They smile and you smile. They hug and you want to hug.

And intentiona­lly, to each other they avoided talking about the inevitable until it had arrived. They chose to not talk about this being the end, not getting caught up in that, until they skated for the last time, until they felt that emotion and that freedom and separation, and yes, just a little bit of sadness too.

“This was an overwhelmi­ng feeling,” said Virtue. “Because it’s something we’ve envisioned for so many years. You just never know what will go through your head. I couldn’t help but think of the 20 years we’ve spent working for this moment and the incredible team of people behind us, we get those gold medals, but there’s a whole team of experts behind us (who don’t get recognized).

“It’s so special. We’ve received so much support. And it didn’t feel like we were alone on the ice.”

They were carrying Canada. And Canada was carrying them. That relationsh­ip isn’t something easy to quantify, but it’s apparent and it’s there and they feel it and Canada feels it and it puts Virtue and Moir on a new kind of podium beyond almost any other Winter Olympians we can name.

There was gold here in dance and the early gold in the team event. There was silver in Sochi and another team medal and a gold medal in Vancouver eight years ago. As Moir said, the days of believing in “so-called bad luck that Canada has with figure skating at the Olympics” is over.

“We’ve moved past that. We have the best skaters, the best choreograp­hers, the best coaches in the world. It’s where Canada should be. But we’ll take this in now. We’ll conquer the world tomorrow.”

But really, just one country matters in all of this. The list of all-time Canadian Olympic greats isn’t particular­ly long. In summer, you start with Percy Williams and Donovan Bailey, and turn somewhere to Marnie McBean and Kathleen Heddle and lately Penny Oleksiak. In winter, there’s Cindy Klassen and Catriona Le May Doan and Marc Gagnon and Hayley Wickenheis­er and a few others.

And now Virtue and Moir. Not just on the list, high on the list. And they understand their place as Canadians and how much they feel the love of the country. In the mixed-zone interview area, usually an uncomforta­ble place where athletes and media meet, Virtue began their post-victory session by initiating a group hug with the media. If that wasn’t an Olympic first, no one had any official memory of it ever happening before.

The plan was to have nothing get in their way. That’s why they decided not to know the scores of their competitor­s.

“We were going to block our ears,” said Moir. And when it looked as though the judges may have preferred the French team of Gabriella Papadakis and Guillaume Cizeron, Moir didn’t flinch.

“No matter what happens, we’ve got our four minutes,” he said. “We wanted to take advantage of that.” Kurt Browning had told them years ago that “Everybody gets their own four minutes. So just control that.”

They controlled the four minutes and one second they skated. They controlled the proCanada crowd. They controlled the often controvers­ial judges. And they controlled TV screens going around the world — owning the cameras and in the end, the event.

The end was victorious for Virtue and Moir, freeing because they no longer have to worry about the subjectivi­ty of icedance scoring. When asked about the scoring, Moir said with a wide smile: “I don’t care anymore. I’m going to get that Olympic gold medal tonight.”

His medal. Their medals. Another gold medal for the country to cherish, brought to you by Canada’s favourite pair of athletes. Now taking a bow and saying goodbye.

 ??  ?? Gold medallists Tessa Virtue of London, Ont., and Scott Moir of Ilderton, Ont., savour “an overwhelmi­ng feeling.” Jamie Squire/Getty Images
Gold medallists Tessa Virtue of London, Ont., and Scott Moir of Ilderton, Ont., savour “an overwhelmi­ng feeling.” Jamie Squire/Getty Images
In Pyeongchan­g ??
STEVE SIMMONS In Pyeongchan­g

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