The Standard (St. Catharines)

Even failure could look like success when Trump meets Kim

- GWYNNE DYER Gwynne Dyer is an independen­t journalist whose articles are published in 45 countries.

I think I know why President Donald Trump suddenly agreed to hold talks with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un after a year of mutual threats and verbal abuse.

Anything short of a complete breakdown at the talks would virtually guarantee Trump next year’s Nobel Peace Prize. Moreover, it would seem bigger and shinier than the one they gave to Barack Obama, because Obama hadn’t actually earned it. He got it just for being a nice guy.

Oh, no, wait a minute. If they gave it to Trump they’d also have to give it to Kim Jong-un, and that would be even sillier. Yet there probably won’t be a complete breakdown at the talks, which are due by May, because both men are strongly motivated to make them look successful.

Kim’s minimum goal is to establish North Korea as a legitimate sovereign state that is accepted by other sovereign states (including the United States) as an equal. Just having a one-on-one discussion with Trump about the security problems of the Korean Peninsula gives him that. He will do his best to keep the meeting civil, and under no circumstan­ces will he break off the talks first.

Trump’s main goal is to look good — to get a “win” — and Kim’s advisers will have told him to let Trump win something. It doesn’t much matter what, so long as Trump can wave it in the air and claim victory. But it will definitely not be an enforceabl­e agreement to dismantle North Korea’s new nuclear weapons and their delivery vehicles.

As far as Kim is concerned, nuclear deterrence against the United States has now been achieved, and he’d be mad to give it up again.

It’s a pretty flimsy form of deterrence — his rockets aren’t very accurate and his nuclear weapons don’t always explode in a fully satisfacto­ry way — but even a 10 per cent chance that North Korea could kill half a million Americans in a “revenge from the grave” attack should be enough to deter the U.S. from using nukes on

North Korea.

A nuclear war between the U.S. and North Korea would probably kill 10 times as many North Koreans including practicall­y every member of the regime so Kim’s regime would never initiate such a conflict. But he needs the assurance that the United States will never resort to nuclear weapons either, and only North Korean nuclear weapons can provide the necessary deterrence.

You may deplore this kind of thinking, but it is entirely rational and it is at the heart of North Korea’s strategy. Kim’s willingnes­s to talk about the “denucleari­zation of the Korean Peninsula” is therefore just that; a willingnes­s to talk, but not to act. And there’s plenty to talk about. Does “denucleari­zation” mean no American nuclear weapons can be located in South Korea? Given the range of those weapons, how would that make North Korea any safer? Does it mean dismantlin­g North Korea’s nuclear weapons? Certainly not. It’s just what Kim had to say to get the talks started.

His ultimate goal is to “normalize” North Korean nukes, as Indian and Pakistani nuclear weapons were eventually accepted as normal. This can only happen if the United States acknowledg­es a state of mutual nuclear deterrence between the two countries, which Trump is not yet ready to do. But even by talking to Kim about it, he begins to give the concept substance.

Kim can promise Trump a “moratorium on nuclear and missile tests” because he doesn’t really need more tests. Mutual deterrence can work effectivel­y even when one side has a hundred or a thousand times more nuclear weapons than the other.

So Trump gets an early “win,” and Kim gets to nudge the United States a little closer to an understand­ing that its future relationsh­ip with North Korea will be one of mutual deterrence. Or maybe locking two narcissist­s in a room is bound to end in tears, but it’s well worth a try.

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