The Standard (St. Catharines)

Gore’s powerful endorsemen­t for cap-and-trade


At first I was surprised when I read that former U.S. vice-president Al Gore had given what amounts to a standing ovation for Ontario’s cap-and-trade system.

But then I thought, why wouldn’t he? After all, cap-and-trade is the fastest growing strategy used by government­s everywhere, including the juggernaut China. Not only that but cap-and-trade and our federal carbon pricing policy are the top two approved main strategies to lower greenhouse emissions. Approved by economists of all political stripes. Approved by apolitical think tanks the world over. And not inconseque­ntial, the Ecofiscal Commission, an independen­t economics organizati­on formed in 2014 by a group of Canadian economists from across the country, concluded that these two systems can work effectivel­y together.

That bodes well for Canada and its ability to fulfill its Paris agreement commitment. It is only logical that a man who has no dog in the fight but who knows all things climate change would support what he knows to be an effective and flexible means of encouragin­g businesses to lower their greenhouse gas emissions. I can only hope his powerful endorsemen­t underscore­s the importance of supporting politician­s who know how to build on what is a great start towards making Ontario emissions-free. Politician­s promising to dismantle what works are not what Ontario needs. Climate change is a serious, longterm threat and only people who take this seriously need apply.

Carole Lavallee

Chelmsford, Ont.

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