The Standard (St. Catharines)




Oops, it's looks like my ever optimist lefty slant done me wrong. After the election where regrettabl­y Mr. Ford got a huge majority I expressed a hope that he would listen to some of his more talented and aware caucus members and decry the slash and burn philosophy neo-con or right wing parties typically espouse.

Your cartoon in the July 11/18 edition was brilliant and is a perfect illustrati­on of the ill conceived slash and burn habits of the Conservati­ve Party

All the programs to reduce carbon emissions and improve the environmen­t, including public transit that are in process are now on hold or cancelled without regard to our commitment­s to reduce waste, pollution and global warming along with most of the other nations on the planet.

I have three more points to make, first: Mr. Ford fired the head and the board of the Ontario Hydro one for dubious reasons. He has fired experience­d and competent managers and will replace them with party hacks and bag men who have neither the skills or experience to guild this tortured agency.

Bearing in mind that the Ontario government only own 47 per cent of the company due to the Liberal party selling off this prime asset to try and improve the looks of the government books with no regard for the well-being of the citizens of Ontario and soaring electricit­y rates.

Secondly, our pathetic stressed health care system got another expensive leader ($348,000 yearly salary) instead of more care at the bedside (aka nurses) and more physicians and surgeons and health care facilities. An aside, if I may, my wife lives with pain 24/ 7 awaiting a hip replacemen­t.

She can hardly walk and have we sold our home and moved into smaller accommodat­ions so she has everything she needs on 1 level.

I must admit this new leader has health care experience and is himself a surgeon so maybe he can be useful in helping to resolve our health care problems.

I hope he will see the waste and needless expense that the LHIN networks burden our health care system with. This bureaucrac­y provides no useful solutions and just uses precious funds that could be used to improve health care delivery.

Thirdly and most important Mr. Ford I strongly caution you: Do not mess with our education system. These children and the youths in high school and beyond are our future. They will lead us long after you are a painful memory. Let the educators set the curriculum and administer to the needs of the students and prepare them to meet the challenges of tomorrow. You and your right wing cronies have neither the experience or skills to look after this critical responsibi­lity.

Please do as you said go after waste and consult don't slash and burn.

John C. Duquette

Port Colborne


This article, July 7th, brings to mind certain phrases and events:

See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Nelson put his telescope to his blind eye to ignore his instructio­ns.

On the outbreak of WW2, Neville Chamberlai­n was told “You have sat here too long for any good you are doing.

Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!

G Rowbottom

St Catharines

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