The Standard (St. Catharines)

Tension at U.S. border up with more troops on way


BROWNSVILL­E, TEXAS — As the first active-duty military troops sent to the U.S. border with Mexico installed coils of razor wire on a bridge and a riverbank Friday, a sense of unease spread across Texas’s Rio Grande Valley.

President Donald Trump’s portrayal of a border under siege by drug smugglers and other criminals is at odds with what residents in towns along the 3,100-kilometre divide with Mexico see in their daily routines, with U.S. border towns consistent­ly ranking among the safest in the country. Some Valley residents question the need for a large military presence and fear it will tarnish the area’s image. And some are afraid of violence if and when the caravan of Central American migrants that the troops have been sent to confront reaches the U.S. border.

While the southern tip of Texas is the busiest corridor for illegal crossings, border agents make many arrests far from public view, on uninhabite­d banks of the Rio Grande and on nearby dirt paths and roads lined by thick brush.

“I feel safer here than when I go up to bigger cities,” lifelong Rio Grande Valley resident Emmanuel Torres said Friday while working at a coffee shop in Brownsvill­e, the region’s largest city, with about 200,000 people.

Torres, 19, said the area feels “a lot like family,” and he worries the military presence will fuel outsiders’ perception­s of a dysfunctio­nal border.

“People that don’t live here are just going to create a bigger negative image,” Torres said. When Trump pledged this week to send up to 15,000 troops to the border in response to the slow-moving caravan of migrants, he unnerved the economical­ly struggling region of one million people that stretches over flat, sun-drenched citrus groves and farms of cotton, sugar cane and vegetables.

The Pentagon said more than 3,500 troops have been deployed to staging bases along the border, including about 1,000 Marines in California. Still, there were only about 100 troops at the border on Friday, working at and near a bridge leading to McAllen, Texas, the Rio Grande Valley’s second-biggest city, with about 140,000 people.

More than a dozen military members in fatigues were at the northern bank of the river, below the bridge, laying concertina wire. Other soldiers erected wire barriers on the bridge’s pedestrian paths.

The largest caravan travelling through Mexico is still weeks away from the U.S. border, and migrants have given no indication where they might cross. The Rio Grande Valley is the shortest route from Central America but also one of the most dangerous.

The troops are being sent in what has been described as a support role, helping border agents. But Trump said he told the military that if troops face rock-throwing migrants, they should react as though the rocks were rifles.

 ?? JOHN MOORE ?? Valley residents question the need for a large military presence and some are afraid of violence if and when the caravan of migrants reaches the U.S. border.
JOHN MOORE Valley residents question the need for a large military presence and some are afraid of violence if and when the caravan of migrants reaches the U.S. border.

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