The Standard (St. Catharines)


- Thomas Joseph


1 7 11 12 British Fling Grove Foot part fruit party

13 14 Lay Literary waste plantation to

15 Checkout line count

16 Light lunch

17 Give over

18 Party snack

19 Right away, in the ER

21 Santa suit color

22 ###

25 Campaign pro

26 Nevada resort

27 Tooth coating

29 Citi Field team

33 Famed riveter

34 Wall art

35 Annoys

36 Bible dancer

37 Theater unit

38 Radiated

39 Farm females

40 Stingy ones


1 Donut-shaped

2 Speak

3 Spoke wildly

4 Disarrayed

5 Meringue base

6 Spot

7 8 9 Moon Just Tough for of spots fun Saturn

10 16 Lined “Paradise with Lost” elms figure

18 Yellowish tan

20 First odd prime

22 Tribute VIP

23 Nome native

24 Twin raised by a wolf

25 Fade away

28 View obscurers

30 Undermine

31 Circus star

32 Goes downhill

34 Long skirt

36 Sch. for priests

 ??  ??

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