The Standard (St. Catharines)

Brexit vote to be held mid-January

Labour leader to call for no-confidence vote in Theresa May


Prime Minister Theresa May said Monday that the postponed vote in Parliament on Britain’s Brexit agreement with the European Union will be held the week of Jan. 14 — more than a month after it was originally scheduled and just 10 weeks before Britain leaves the EU.

But even as May insisted she could salvage her unpopular divorce deal, pressure was mounting for dramatic action — a new referendum or a vote among lawmakers — to find a way out of Britain’s Brexit impasse and prevent the economic damage of a messy exit from the EU on March 29 with no agreement in place.

Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the main opposition Labour Party, said he would submit a motion of no-confidence in the prime minister over her delays. Losing the vote on such a motion would increase the pressure on May, but unlike a no-confidence vote in the government as a whole, it wouldn’t trigger a process leading to the fall of the government and an early election.

No date was immediatel­y set for the confidence vote.

The British government and the EU sealed a divorce deal last month, but May postponed a parliament­ary vote intended to ratify the agreement last week when it became clear legislator­s would overwhelmi­ngly reject it.

She tried to win changes from the EU to sweeten the deal for reluctant lawmakers but was rebuffed at a summit in Brussels last week. May’s authority was also shaken after surviving a no-confidence vote from her own party on Wednesday that saw more than a third of Conservati­ve lawmakers vote against her.

May told lawmakers in the House of Commons on Monday that they would resume debate on the deal when Parliament comes back after its Christmas break the week of Jan. 7, with the vote held the following week.

“I know this is not everyone’s perfect deal,” May said. “It is a compromise. But if we let the perfect be the enemy of the good, then we risk leaving the EU with no deal.”

Opposition legislator­s — and many from May’s Conservati­ve Party — remain opposed to the deal, and accused May of deliberate­ly wasting time by delaying the vote for several more weeks.

“The prime minister has cynically run down the clock trying to manoeuvre Parliament into a choice between two unacceptab­le outcomes: her deal and no deal,” Corbyn said.

A growing number of politician­s from across the political spectrum believe a new referendum may be the only way to break the political logjam over Brexit.

But May told lawmakers that staging another referendum would ride roughshod over voters’ 2016 decision to leave the EU and “would say to millions who trusted in democracy that our democracy does not deliver.”

May’s deal is loathed both by pro-Brexit lawmakers, who think it keeps Britain bound too closely to the bloc, and pro-Europeans, who see it as inferior to staying in the EU.

The main concern for pro-Brexit lawmakers is a contentiou­s insurance policy known as the “backstop,” which would keep the U.K. tied to EU customs rules in order to guarantee the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland remains open after Brexit.

EU officials insisted at last week’s summit that the withdrawal agreement cannot be renegotiat­ed, although they also stressed that the backstop was meant only as a temporary measure of last resort.

May said she had had “robust” exchanges with other EU leaders in Brussels, but that the two sides were still holding talks about “further political and legal assurances” about the backstop.

European Commission chief spokespers­on Margaritis Schinas, however, said Monday that “at this stage, no further meetings with the United Kingdom are foreseen.”

With Britain’s departure from the bloc just three months away, it remains unclear whether the country will leave with a deal or crash out with no deal — a chaotic outcome that could see economic recession, gridlock at U.K. ports, planes grounded and shortages of essential goods.

One suggestion is to allow MPs to vote on a range of options — from leaving without a deal to holding a new referendum — to see if there is majority support for any course of action.

 ?? LEON NEAL GETTY IMAGES ?? British Prime Minster Theresa May has rejected calls from a growing number of lawmakers to hold a second Brexit referendum.
LEON NEAL GETTY IMAGES British Prime Minster Theresa May has rejected calls from a growing number of lawmakers to hold a second Brexit referendum.

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