The Standard (St. Catharines)

Councillor wants ‘snitch’ clause removed from code of conduct


St. Catharines city council will consider adopting a new code of conduct on Monday but at least one councillor is opposed to what he calls the “snitch” clause.

St. Andrew’s Coun. Joe Kushner said he took strong exception to a paragraph in the proposed code which would require councillor­s to promptly inform the city clerk of any member of council, close family member, associate or staff who may not be in compliance.

“To be required to report I find very offensive and to me it smacks of a police state,” he said.

Kushner said he’ll be making a recommenda­tion Monday that the new code of conduct be approved but the certificat­e of compliance section with the offending paragraph be excluded.

He said he has pretty strong feelings about it because his parents came from Ukraine during the communist period where individual­s were required to snitch on their neighbours.

“I can honestly say in primary school I never snitched and as a parent I always encouraged our kids not to snitch on one another.”

At the same time, Kushner said he is not suggesting council have an unwritten code of silence.

He thinks councillor­s are mature enough to make their own choices about how to proceed if they think someone isn’t complying.

The code of conduct sets a standard for councillor­s that deals with gifts and benefits, city property, confidenti­al informatio­n, discrimina­tion and harassment, improper use of influence, conflicts of interest and other


The current code was adopted in 2010 and has recently been put under the microscope because of changes to the municipal act that are coming into effect on March 1.

A staff report says the new proposed code refines the language to make it clearer and addresses gaps, strengthen­s its content, improves organizati­on and readabilit­y and authorizes a broader and more flexible set of remedial measures to better address breaches.

The proposed code was prepared by John Mascarin, who acted as the city’s integrity commission­er for the previous term of council and is being recommende­d by staff for re-appointmen­t this term.

It’s meant for members of council, local boards and advisory committees.

Kushner said council was quick off the mark to introduce a code of conduct previously and it’s been very effective.

He said he has no problem with the new code which he says has been tightened up and is more detailed.

He just hopes council quickly puts the snitch issue to rest.

Kushner said when neighbours have a bylaw issue with each other about the height of a fence or hedge, he would encourage them to talk to each other before they make a complaint to the city — and it should be the same with councillor­s.

“We don’t want to encourage neighbours to snitch and we don’t want to encourage ourselves to snitch.”

 ??  ?? Joe Kushner, St. Catharines city councillor for St. Andrew’s ward.
Joe Kushner, St. Catharines city councillor for St. Andrew’s ward.

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