The Standard (St. Catharines)

‘Appalled’ by Ford government’s autism program revamp



As a parent with a child in the current Ontario autism support program, I was shocked and appalled with the Ontario Progressiv­e Conservati­ve government’s revamp to the program.

Children Community and Social Services Minister Lisa MacLeod said the government’s goal with the new program is to clear that wait list. While I agree that having a large wait list is unacceptab­le, their approach to divide the funds equally is not the answer.

The new Ontario autism program will be providing families with an annual lump sum of funds, not only based on age, with children over six receiving less funding, but eligibilit­y will also be depend on income. Autism is a spectrum disorder and services need to be provided based on individual need. It is quite discrimina­ting and disconcert­ing that the government is looking at our children’s disability as a numbers issue as opposed to an access-tohealth-care issue.

My son is six years old and receiving 25 hours of service in the autism program. Our loss of access to these sorts of hours this coming June is detrimenta­l to his potential. His programmin­g addresses deficits such as self-care, communicat­ion and socializin­g. These are skills he needs to function within our community, now through his adulthood.

Ms. MacLeod, here is one more thing to consider: Ontario has suffered from the ramificati­ons of an insufficie­nt childhood autism program for many years. You stated 40,000 children in Ontario are diagnosed with autism. With approximat­ely three million children in the province, that is 1 in 75 children who will also be adults in the coming years. Don’t fund Ontario’s children’s needs as just numbers. Consider each child’s individual needs, to the intensity they require.

When Ontario does this, ABA therapy will give our children the chance to obtain skills they will use now through adulthood. This will strengthen not only Ontario’s children but our families and communitie­s.

Jenna Miles

Niagara Falls

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