The Standard (St. Catharines)



IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: This year, you manifest many of your desires. If you’re single, if you want to change your status, you will find an excellent reason to! If attached, you see a resurgence of more romantic days. You and your partner both could be surprised at your new closeness. A fellow LEO adds zip to your days!


At first, you might feel as if you woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Quickly, you will feel otherwise. You are clearly on top of your game. Think of clearing out a misunderst­anding between you and another person. Tonight: Fun and games.


Do not become too complacent about what is happening around you. Others find you to be full of fun and surprises at the moment. A conversati­on starts up out of the blue, allowing a new beginning for you and another person. Tonight: Run errands on the way home.


You feel better and better as the day ages. A new beginning becomes possible, involving communicat­ion and/or feelings. In the near future, if not today, make sure to connect with a friend who you’ve felt quite distant from. Tonight: A force to behold.


Curb an innate possessive­ness or perhaps jealousy that keeps coming up. A situation arises in which you will be able to root out the real cause of these uncomforta­ble feelings. With the knowledge that ensues, you will gain more understand­ing and control of this uncomforta­ble emotion. Tonight: Meet a friend for bubbly and munchies.

LEO (JULY 23-AUG. 22)

You could find yourself in an irksome situation that you might want to change. You will have an opportunit­y to iron out this discomfort and possible misunderst­anding in the next few days. Use caution around money dealings. Postpone any decisions in this area until tomorrow. Tonight: Stop and visit a friend.

VIRGO (AUG. 23-SEPT. 22)

You could be very tired of a loved one’s or friend’s attitude of late. A New Moon encourages you to look within and decide how much you caused this issue — honestly. You will have an opportunit­y to clear the air. Tonight: Vanish. Mystery behooves you.

LIBRA (SEPT. 23-OCT. 22)

Zero in on a long-term goal. You might not hit a bull’s-eye at this very moment, but you will in the near future. A friendship plays a significan­t role in the realizatio­n of this desire. Be open to a discussion. Tonight: Where the crowds are.


A must appearance is inevitable. A boss or authority figure wants to know your true feelings and thoughts about an important matter. An unexpected twist with a close friend or loved one adds more colour to your day. Tonight: Accept an invitation out.

SAGITTARIU­S (NOV. 22-DEC. 21) You cannot imagine that others will seem so friendly and willing to pitch in after their recent coldness. This thaw in an interactio­n might happen as soon as today, but it will definitely take place in the next few days. Meanwhile, follow a whim! Tonight: Authentici­ty counts.

CAPRICORN (DEC. 22-JAN. 19) One-on-one relating draws good results. A partner finally hears your willingnes­s to work through a problem loud and clear. You’ve possibly tried a new approach to eliminate a recent tension. Listen to the other party. This person’s feelings count! Tonight: Take your cue from a loved one.


Do not overthink another person’s gesture. You could easily misread what is going on. Accept a gracious gesture. Stay open to conversati­ons and some fun. You like the potential opening you see. Tonight: Midweek break. Frolic away.

PISCES (FEB. 19-MARCH 20) Focus on the quality of your day-today life. You might want to schedule a class in yoga or head to the gym more often. You might feel the need for some other change to keep your life more vital. Tonight: Follow your instincts.

BORN TODAY: Author J.K. Rowling (1965), actor Wesley Snipes (1962), singer Zac Brown (1978)


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