The Standard (St. Catharines)

Assault at strip club leaves newlywed with facial injuries


An unprovoked attack outside a strip club less than two weeks before his wedding meant a man had to contend with both severed sinuses and embarrassi­ng questions on the day of his nuptials, court heard Friday.

The fiance was celebratin­g his bachelor party at the Sundowner on Lundy’s Lane in April 2018 when a case of mistaken identity landed him in hospital for three days.

“He went to his wedding with obvious facial injuries,” assistant Crown attorney Mark Eshuis said in an Ontario Court of Justice in St. Catharines. “He had numerous questions from guests, and had to relive what happened, which should have been far from his mind that day.”

In court Friday, Michael Steele, the Niagara Falls resident who sent the man to hospital, was placed on probation for two years on a charge of assault causing bodily harm.

Court was told the 35-year-old was under the mistaken impression the victim was part of a group that had bothered a second party inside the adult entertainm­ent establishm­ent.

As the victim stood outside, with his hands in his pockets, Steele punched him in the face.

The man, who was much smaller than the defendant, was knocked to the ground and Steele fled in a taxi.

The assault was captured on video surveillan­ce.

“It was an outrageous act,” said Judge Peter Wilkie.

Court heard the victim sustained severed sinuses, which cannot be corrected by surgery. He is now susceptibl­e to repeated sinus infections.

The emotional effects of the assault also weigh heavily on the newlywed as he is now fearful and suspicious of strangers.

Defence lawyer Mark Evans said his client is remorseful and accepts full responsibi­lity for his actions.

“There is no excuse whatsoever for Mr. Steele’s behaviour on that occasion,” he said. “He recognizes that.”

The Crown had sought a jail sentence of 90 days.

“We see too much violence in our community and a message must be sent through this case to others,” Eshuis said, adding the victim had his “security and safety stolen from him” by the defendant’s actions that night.

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