The Standard (St. Catharines)

Delivering smiles to Lundy Manor

Canada Post employees gifted staff, residents at afflicted retirement home with treats to boost mood


Canada Post delivered joy and smiles to residents at Lundy Manor on Wednesday.

Letter carriers from across Niagara Falls converged at the Lundy’s Lane retirement home, which has lost 15 residents to COVID-19 in recent weeks, to deliver free coffee and doughnuts.

“Lundy Manor is on my route and, with all the stuff going on, I felt so bad for the people in there and I wanted to do something to put a smile on their faces,” said letter carrier and event organizer Peter Barnes.

On Wednesday afternoon, a small convoy of Canada Post trucks and cars pulled up to the retirement home and delivered the refreshmen­ts from Tim Hortons on Dorchester Road.

“We stood and waved to everybody and they were waving back at us,” he said. “Everything went great.”

One letter carrier delivered dozens of fresh flowers to the home.

Greg Fortier, executive director at Lundy Manor, said the residents were thrilled by the visit.

“It literally had people in tears, both residents and staff,” he said.

“It left them with such a positive feeling, seeing the community out there cheering them on.”

Barnes purchased the treats after fellow employee Amanda Hancock collected donations from staff at the Queen Street post office. Staff also reached out to family and friends for support.

The posties were eager to support the cause and donations came flooding in.

Barnes now plans to do similar events at all retirement residences and long-term-care facilities in Niagara Falls.

“We hope to do two a week,” he said.

 ?? BOB TYMCZYSZYN TORSTAR ?? Postal workers from Niagara Falls lift spirits at Lundy Manor Wednesday by delivering coffee and doughnuts to staff and residents.
BOB TYMCZYSZYN TORSTAR Postal workers from Niagara Falls lift spirits at Lundy Manor Wednesday by delivering coffee and doughnuts to staff and residents.

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