The Standard (St. Catharines)

Bylsma is urged to resign for grandstand­ing at protest

Regional chair says West Lincoln mayor broke law and his views are ‘outlandish,’ ‘lacking in reality’


A West Lincoln township councillor is urging Mayor Dave Bylsma to resign, as Niagara regional chair Jim Bradley chastised him for openly breaking the law by speaking at a weekend COVID-19 lockdown protest in St Catharines.

Bradley called Bylsma’s views on the pandemic “outlandish and lacking in reality.”

Political leaders from throughout the region continued to express frustratio­n and concern Monday after Bylsma joined maskless protesters who marched down Lake Street in St. Catharines on Saturday, defying the provincial stay-athome order that limits outdoor gatherings to five people.

West Lincoln Ward 3 Smithville Coun. William Reilly is concerned Bylsma was introduced as West Lincoln’s mayor, before making baseless allegation­s about the validity of the pandemic, as more than 1,000 people gathered outside a salon.

Bylsma, who has publicly embraced anti-maskers and pushed disinforma­tion about the COVID-19 pandemic, was the highest-profile speaker at the event. During his speech, he repeated his false claims “vitamin D, sunshine and fresh air and a positive attitude” will ward off COVID-19, and led the crowd in a chant of “no more lockdowns.”

Bylsma was not wearing a mask, nor was he socially distanced from the other participan­ts in the rally.

Niagara Regional Police and the Niagara Region bylaw office said they will be laying charges against people who took part in the rally and march.

“I believe this is an abuse of his position,” Reilly said, adding that, as the township’s mayor, “he cannot separate himself from his role in a public setting.”

“There are some civil liberties that we all sacrifice to hold a seat in municipal office,” Reilly said. “If the mayor wishes to be the face of this movement, then I highly encourage him to resign his seat and pursue his new aspiration,” Reilly added.

“I believe if he’s sincere in this cause, then there should be no hesitation on his part.”

Bradley said he is “deeply troubled and disappoint­ed” with Bylsma’s “active participat­ion” in the illegal protest.

“Coun. Bylsma is free to express his views, but he is not free to break the law, nor is he free to encourage others to do so,” said Bradley in a terse statement released late Monday afternoon. “In speaking with other councillor­s, and having hearing from numerous members of the public, they share my frustratio­n and concern.

“It is particular­ly distressin­g to have a member of regional council openly flout the law, thereby setting a poor and unfortunat­e example for those we represent,” Bradley said in his statement.

“Under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection­s Act, all residents of Ontario have been ordered to stay home unless they are conducting a necessary activity. Individual­s who chose to participat­e in the weekend’s rally broke the law.”

The number of patients being treated at St. Catharines hospital for COVID-19 almost doubled over the weekend to 39, and a dozen of those people are in intensive care. At least 379 Niagara residents with the virus have died during the pandemic.

Bylsma did not return phone calls from The Standard on Monday.

West Lincoln Ward 2 Gainsborou­gh Coun. Shelley Bradaric said she was working with township staff to determine how its council could deal with Bylsma’s behaviour.

Councillor­s were scheduled to meet Monday evening.

“I’m very disappoint­ed,” said Ward 3 Coun. Cheryl Ganann.

“We’ve been dealing with this all weekend and I’m kind of tired of dealing with all these issues over and over again.”

It isn’t the first time Bylsma’s behaviour has sparked contention for the rural community. His remarks last summer regarding same-sex couples and Indigenous peoples sparked outrage in the community.

While she said people have the right to their opinions, Gannan, too, was concerned Bylsma’s weekend address would be perceived as him was speaking for the community — and his comments “were definitely not a message that we want out there.”

“The rest of us are doing everything we can to make sure that we are supporting our residents, and trying to keep everyone healthy and well and safe from this pandemic,” she said.

Niagara Falls regional Coun. Barb Greenwood said she expects concerns about Bylsma’s participat­ion in the protest will be a matter of discussion at a public health and social services committee meeting she will chair on Wednesday.

However, she was unsure if any action can be taken by regional councillor­s in response to Bylsma’s actions.

“I look at it this way, it’s a provincial mandate but as a region we’re upholding the mandate of the province. We’re in violation of that mandate if we fail to adhere to the rules and regulation­s,” Greenwood said.

“We can make a statement … but as far as doing anything else I can’t off the top of my head think of anything.”

West Lincoln regional Coun. Albert Witteveen said Saturday’s rally was intended to support small business and the challenges they had “and I guess it turned into a platform for (Bylsma’s) own … agenda.”

“I’m kind of disappoint­ed that he kind of broke the law. That’s my view and my community’s view,” he said.

“We’re just disappoint­ed that he took that action to break the law.”

Witteveen said he feels Bylsma needs to apologize to people for the actions of the mayor.

Ward 1 Caistor Coun. Mike Rehner said Bylsma fails to appreciate that although he may be expressing his opinions, he is also his township’s mayor.

However, given a lack of action by upper-tier government­s when other political leaders have used their position of influence to promote their opinions, Rehner is frustrated that little could be done to reign in Bylsma, either. “I really have no comment because leadership should come from the top down and we have no leadership right now,” Rehner said.

“I really don’t think there’s anything you can expect the councillor­s of the township of West Lincoln to do with a little mayor in a little agricultur­al community nestled in the region of Niagara.”

Thoroldtod­ reported Thorold city Coun. Jim Handley attended the protest, too.

 ?? BILL SAWCHUK TORSTAR FILE PHOTO ?? West Lincoln Mayor Dave Bylsma speaks at an anti-lockdown protest Saturday, creating a storm of controvers­y.
BILL SAWCHUK TORSTAR FILE PHOTO West Lincoln Mayor Dave Bylsma speaks at an anti-lockdown protest Saturday, creating a storm of controvers­y.
 ?? BILL SAWCHUK TORSTAR FILE PHOTO ?? Protesters turn from Lake Street to Russell Avenue during an anti-lockdown rally and march in St. Catharines on Saturday.
BILL SAWCHUK TORSTAR FILE PHOTO Protesters turn from Lake Street to Russell Avenue during an anti-lockdown rally and march in St. Catharines on Saturday.

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