The Standard (St. Catharines)

Indigenous leaders to meet with Pope

Delegates will have private talk next month


The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops says 25 to 30 Indigenous people are to meet with Pope Francis at the Vatican in December.

The delegates are to include elders, knowledge keepers, residentia­l school survivors and youth. A small group of Canadian bishops is also to attend from Dec. 17 to Dec. 20.

“The journey towards healing and reconcilia­tion is a long one, but we believe this will be a significan­t milestone in the Catholic Church’s commitment to renewing, strengthen­ing and reconcilin­g relationsh­ips with Indigenous Peoples across the land,” Raymond Poisson, president of the Canadian bishops, said in a news release.

First Nations, Inuit and Métis delegates are to have private meetings with the Pope, during which they will tell personal stories about the legacy of residentia­l schools.

The delegation’s theme is how Indigenous Peoples and the Catholic Church can come together toward healing and reconcilia­tion. The Canadian bishops will cover the travel costs and provide mental-health workers for the trip.

“With this delegation, we hope to walk together in a new way, to listen with humility, and to discern the next steps that the Church can take to support residentia­l school survivors, their families, and their communitie­s,” Poisson said.

An estimated 150,000 Indigenous children were forced to attend residentia­l schools over a century. More than 60 per cent of the schools were run by the Catholic Church.

Indigenous delegates will also be able to share their expectatio­ns for the Pope’s visit to Canada, the bishops said.

Last month, the Vatican announced that Pope Francis is willing to make the visit, but Indigenous leaders have said it must come with an apology.

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