The Telegram (St. John's)

You are what you eat


Have we been blinded to the truth by clever food manufactur­ers whose financial success depends on us getting hooked on mass-produced, lowquality foods? Have we been bamboozled?

We develop a taste for our favourite foods when we are very young. As parents we make every effort to keep our children happy by giving them the foods they enjoy. We love to keep our children happy. It is not our intention to allow any harm to come to them. Everyone wants to be the perfect parent. In an effort to be the perfect parent, have we overlooked the importance of giving our children high quality food?

The quality of our food and the quality of our lives — could there be a direct relationsh­ip? And does our quality of life deteriorat­e over the years? How many of us have seen our lives deteriorat­e? Are we willing to do what it takes to turn our lives around, because until we begin to treat ourselves better we cannot help our children?

Where do we turn to find the help we need?

We begin by reading the most recently written material on diet and health. We find like-minded people to exchange ideas and informatio­n and we consult with the medical profession­als.

Every improvemen­t we make in our food choices brings us one step closer to our dreams and one step further from being controlled by the food giants. Kathryn Drover St. John’s

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