The Telegram (St. John's)

Time for Catholics to return to the church


From reading the letter by Joan Butler “Why I left the Catholic Church” in The Telegram on March 21, it is quite obvious to me that she wants the Catholic Church to change to her ways before she returns again.

She reminds me of the biblical statement about the seeds that didn’t take root; the winds came and the seeds went everywhere.

Ms. Butler should realize that the Catholic Church follows the laws and commandmen­ts of God and isn’t going to adapt to any immoral forms of modernism.

The Catholic Church was founded by Jesus and St. Peter was the first Pope.

We’ve has a whole succession of Popes since St. Peter, and I’m sure Pope Francis will continue to uphold the teachings of the Catholic Church.

I would strongly suggest that Ms. Butler give serious thought to her present absence from the church, and it’s my hope that she will seek the sacrament of confession and go on to become a practising Catholic.

Make no mistake, it is a mortal sin to miss mass on Sundays and holidays of obligation.

There are many lapsed Catholics out there and many of them have an inadequate grasp on the Catholic faith.

They have an obligation to learn the Catholic faith.

They need to be thinking about their children and their baptismal promises. The godparents also need to be thinking about the promises they made, as well. Believe me, baptism is a serious responsibi­lity, and for a free crash course on the Catholic faith call me at 745-8671.

I often wonder how many Catholics and others think about the afterlife and meditate on a life that doesn’t end. This life is a trial where we need to know love and serve God so as to be happy with Him in the afterlife that doesn’t end. Now thinking about a life that doesn’t end can be scary, and that can bother a person who isn’t filled with the Holy Spirit.

Finally, former Pope Benedict announced this year as a “Year of Faith” which focuses on evangeliza- tion and encourages 80 per cent of the lapsed Catholics to wake up from their spiritual sloth. We have a serious financial crisis in our churches right now, as well as in Third World countries such as West Africa, where a year ago a child was dying every six minutes from starvation.

Step up to the plate, cross over the bridge and start living again, and not just existing. Dave Jones Mount Pearl

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