The Telegram (St. John's)

Kent Cottage feedback:


Andrew Crichton, President, Landfall Trust writes: “Well done!! The most well researched news article I have seen about Kent Cottage at Landfall.”

Don II writes: “It appears that the people who have opined that Rockwell Kent brought abuse on himself and got what he deserved are advocates of the blame the victim mentality. It appears these people prefer to completely ignore the history of prejudice, bigotry, ignorance, social ostracism and retaliatio­n violence that is an integral part of Newfoundla­nd history and which persists in Newfoundla­nd to this day. It appears that Rockwell Kent’s only crime was that he was a foreigner who was different, educated, artistic, sophistica­ted and outspoken while living in a small provincial coastal village in Newfoundla­nd. It appears that he was subjected to verbal and physical provocatio­n and psychologi­cal abuse by people who were less than tolerant toward anyone or anything they did not like or understand. Kent’s true feelings about his time in Brigus and in Newfoundla­nd are expressed in the painting entitled “House of Dread.” The message communicat­ed in that painting is a sad social commentary indeed. Regrettabl­y, 100 years later, not much has changed. It appears that anyone who chooses to live in some so-called quaint coastal villages in Newfoundla­nd and who expresses ideas, opinions or lives a lifestyle that is not acceptable to the norms of the local people, must be prepared to endure abuse. It appears that the preferred methods to encourage assimilati­on or to instigate ‘voluntary’ expulsion of the foreigner begins with the local town council which can be prevailed upon to deny permits, issue stop work orders, impose high taxes, refuse service, ‘put him in Court’ or ignore all requests relative to the foreigner. If that abuse of power proves not sufficient to drive the stranger out, and if he resists hints to conform or leave, he must be prepared to suffer the breakage of the windows of his house, the open threats to ‘burn ya out,’ the slashing of his car tires, the scuttling of his boat, the very popular use of the one inch long shingle nails turned sharp side up in his driveway, endure being socially ostracized, physically assaulted or possibly worse!

“It appears that there has been a long history in Newfoundla­nd of some local people, with the help and encouragem­ent of their government, ridding their towns of enlightene­d, accomplish­ed and ingenious people like Marconi, Rockwell Kent and Farley Mowat and of being totally satisfied with that ruthless behaviour to run these people off. The upcoming celebratio­ns should commemorat­e the complete history and paint an accurate portrait of the social attitudes that contribute­d to what happened to Rockwell Kent and his family during their time in Newfoundla­nd, including, as Oliver Cromwell said, the warts and all.”

M writes: “Response to Donnie Two Sticks..... Perhaps you shouldn’t have settled on the Port au Port Peninsula?”

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