The Telegram (St. John's)

Sick of the constant government criticism

- David Murphy Topsail, Conception Bay South

I have to bring to your attention that diatribe from Russell Wangersky in The Weekend Telegram of Sept. 7.

I refer to the column he devoted to the removal of Premier Kathy Dunderdale. This is not a lone effort on his part; this is just the latest in a whole campaign against Dunderdale and the Progressiv­e Con- servative government of this province.

Wangersky has working around him people like Brian Jones and others who have similar views, and a cartoonist whose work is not funny, it is downright ugly in all respects!

This continuous, almost daily, diatribe against all things Conser- vative, both provincial and federal, is really quite tiresome by any standard.

If your paper wants to employ people who could do useful things like fight crime in this province, or call to eliminate some of the simplistic limitation­s placed on judges’ sentences, then I think it is time you sent this herd of empty, repetitive, writers packing. They do no service for your paper.

And while you are at it, at least tell them to stop whining about Bill 29, get off their backsides, and start doing some real research and writing to uncover the informatio­n they want from government.

Tell them to stop crying for crumbs, get out there and do some real work, like was done in “the old days” by real hard-working journalist­s.

Please forward this letter to your owners TC Media, not that they are going to do anything about the situation.

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