The Telegram (St. John's)

The Weekend Telegram’s 20 Questions


What is your full name?

Kandice Tanya Power

Where and when were you born?

St. John’s, May 1994.

Where is home today?

Paradise, where our name says it all. What has been your most memorable experience as Miss Achievemen­t N.L.? Other than being crowned, which was the most exhilarati­ng experience of my life, I would have to say it was when I got to present medals for the Special Olympics Newfoundla­nd and Labrador Provincial Games. My sister (Felicia Power) competed in rhythmic gymnastics and won the gold medal. I got to present her with her medal. That was absolutely fantastic. What has your volunteer work with Special Olympics taught you? Special Olympics has taught me to define people by their abilities and not their disabiliti­es. They are capable of doing so much but a lot of people won’t give them the chance to. When you volunteer with Special Olympics you get to see the athletes blossom. What is your greatest indulgence? Reading. I spend more money on books than my mother knows. For my 19th birthday, when most people would indulge in other things, I went out and bought a Kobo with my birthday money.

What motivates you? I’m a very goal-driven person. When I set a goal for myself I work very hard to achieve it. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? My height. My personalit­y is much too big for my tiny little body.

What’s your pet peeve? I really don’t like it when people drink directly out of the milk carton or orange juice bottle. That drives me up the wall.

What is your greatest fear? Heights over water. I can deal with heights and I can deal with water. But I can’t deal with the two together. So if you ask me to go to St. Philip’s or Portugal Cove, you’d better bring a blindfold. Where your degree do you at see Memorial? yourself after you complete I Paradise plan on and running hopefully for council I’ll be here working in in marketing. I’d love to work for an airline.

What is your personal motto? Stop saying I wish and start saying I will.

Do you have any hidden talents? I have my blue belt in karate. They used to call me the bully because I was really, really aggressive.

What are your best and worst qualities? My best quality is definitely my ambition. Going after what I want. My worst quality is that I’m really messy. You don’t want to go into my room.

Who inspires you? Kora Liegh Russell, a former Miss Achievemen­t. She went through so much in her life and she gives back so much to her community. She just astounds me. She’s a beautiful person.

Who are your biggest fans?

My mom and dad (Donna and David Power). mom takes They me are everywhere. always here for me. My Who would you like to be stuck in an elevator with? Jennifer Lawrence from “The Hunger Games” and “Silver Linings Playbook.” She’s absolutely crazy. She’d be able to amuse me. Which person, alive or dead, would you like to have lunch with? Since I’m a Harry Potter freak, I’d say J.K. Rowling. I’d love to ask her how the characters turned out after the books. What is the most important message you’d like to pass on to the province’s youth? It’s really important that you have confidence and that, when you get involved in something, that you stay at it. It’s always good to work hard until you get what you want. Never give up. I’ll give you the last word. What do you want to say? Applicatio­ns for Miss Achievemen­t are due in on Sept. 30. I’d really suggest to everyone (that’s eligible) that they take a look and consider applying because it’s such a great experience.

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