The Telegram (St. John's)

Q and A: Make the Transition


Dear Debbie:

We have the typical old 1970s brick and cement fireplace in our den. It really dates the room. Iím thinking of painting it a cream colour and adding glass tiles to the top of the hearth. What do you think?

- Sheri

Dear Sheri:

Your idea sounds fine. Glass tiles have a shimmery, translucen­t appearance, which will add an extra dimension to your fireplace. With the glass tiles, you can go very calm and pensive with the watery colours, or add an amazing tapestry of shades for a cheerful atmosphere. Think about how you use the room and that will set you in the right direction. Hereís another option to update that 70s look.

I have updated many dens and recreation rooms, and one of my favourite makeovers is shown here. This room was vintage 70s with yellowing panelled walls, a parquet floor and red brick fireplace. The challenge was to lighten up the space, and make it comfortabl­e and welcoming for the young family. We removed the mantel and applied a faux brick faÁade over the entire back wall, to expand the focal area. I put up faux brick panels (available in 4íx8í panels at your building store) on either side of the brick fireplace. I then smeared plaster randomly over the panels and fireplace bricks so that some areas were covered but the brick shapes still showed through. The whole wall was then primed, painted white and then rubbed with a creamy yellow glaze to highlight the textures. The dark panelling on the other walls was painted white, and the parquet floor stained a rich dark brown. A new pale blue sofa, a few turquoise accessorie­s, and some greenery complete the transforma­tion.

Dear Debbie:

We purchased synthetic wicker outdoor furniture several years ago when the price was high. It is still in good condition, but I now prefer the darker colours to the original light shade Can I paint?

- Heather

Dear Heather:

I don’t advise you to paint. You have a high quality set, and the tight weave and material of this furniture is not conducive to a painted finish. However, colours are cyclical, and lighter shades in outdoor furniture are returning.

Why not alter the appearance of the chairs with new seat covers. Table linens, flower pots, and outdoor lighting are all powerful design elements that will offer a fresh look without replacing the furniture.

Dear Debbie:

We are renovating our dark-stained, oak staircase. We have ordered new pickets in off white which will have no grain and a dark, smooth railing. We want to paint everything else but the treads (we are having a stair runner) in the same off white for a traditiona­l look, but we are worried about the grain of the oak, which will show through the paint.

- Kata

Dear Kata:

If you have any knots in the wood, they should be sealed with shellac before you paint to stop any bleed. It’s OK to see a bit of the wood grain through the paint. It shows off the authentic texture of the oak and will enhance the staircase. Shades of white vary significan­tly, so wait until you have your new pickets to match up.

 ??  ?? A white, faux-brick focal wall transforms a dreary den into a California-style haven.
A white, faux-brick focal wall transforms a dreary den into a California-style haven.

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