The Telegram (St. John's)

Apartment living: building above-ground gardens


Living in a condo or apartment shouldn’t prevent enjoyment of the fresh tastes or heavenly scents of Summer. Even with the smallest of balconies, you can create a garden that suits your style - 25 floors high. Make the most of your balcony this year with these tips collected by some of the profession­als: first check the building’s balcony policies before creating your garden to avoid trouble down the road.

Consider microclima­te.

Climate plays a significan­t role in determinin­g what is best suited for growing on your balcony. Observe how much sun your balcony receives and for how long. Pay attention to wind strength. If the sun or wind is too strong, consider building a barrier to protect the plants.

Choose your garden type.

Determine what plants to grow on your balcony. Fresh herbs? Produce? Sweetsmell­ing flowers? There are countless possibilit­ies. Be realistic with the amount of space available and choose plants appropriat­ely.

Incorporat­e design.

Consider the view of the balcony from inside before committing to design. Use a large plant, water fountain or trellis as a focal point and incorporat­e upward growing plants or hanging baskets to utilize space.

Go lightweigh­t.

Avoid heavy containers as they can add dangerous weight to the balcony’s structure. Select lightweigh­t containers instead. Many lightweigh­t containers come in a variety of fashionabl­e colours and are made to resemble clay.

Relish the landscape.

Leave room for patio furniture and people. Enjoy the new landscape.

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