The Telegram (St. John's)



Maximum Heart Rate (Max HR) = 220 – (Age). This formula is used to help determine your effort level based on how fast your heart is beating. Example: 30 year old runner: 220 – (30) = 190.

The Target Heart Rate is based on a percentage of your maximum heart rate. Example, to run at 65% of your Max HR: 190 x 0.65 = 123bpm

Therefore, 190 x (0.65) = 123 beats per minute (bpm) is where your heart rate should be.

Cross Training: Other cardio activities that will use other muscles that will help to prevent injuries during training. Examples are: swimming laps, going for a bike ride or weight training.

Rest Days: These days play an important role in your training program. They are designed to give your body a break from training and allow you to remain healthy, prevent injuries, achieve physiologi­cal gains and help you concentrat­e on your overall goal.

Hilly Runs: These days are designed to help build your running strength in your legs. Pick a route that contains 34 hills that you have no problem running. Increase pace slightly going up each hill (MAX HR of 75-85% on hills). After you have completed the hill, continue your run at a steady pace (65-75% of Max HR).

Easy Runs: Doesn’t require a lot of effort to maintain pace. Conversati­on with running partner is easily maintained.

Tapering: This week you don’t want to do anything out of the ordinary. You have worked hard over the last 11 weeks. So rest up your legs but keep them fresh for race day. You have worked hard over the last 11 weeks

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