The Telegram (St. John's)

Hints from Heloise


Dear Heloise: I sure hope you can help me. I love making CARROT CAKE, but my problem is that all the nuts sink to the bottom. Sometimes the carrots do too. I was told to put them in flour before I put them in the mix. (Yes, I make this cake from scratch.) I have tried both ways and failed both of them. I thought maybe you could help me. — Ruth N., Gastonia, N.C.

Well, Ruth, you were right to try coating the nuts and carrots in flour before adding them to the batter.

Coating them in all-purpose flour should help keep them from sinking. Also, be sure to cut the nuts and carrots into small pieces so they won’t sink to the bottom. I sometimes shred the carrots to really distribute them throughout the cake.

Another hint, though, is to TOAST the nuts before adding them. Place them on a baking sheet and place them in a 325 F oven until they are just warm. Then toss them in a little flour. Hope this helps! — Heloise NOT JUST FOR TEA Dear Heloise: I received a tea ball for Christmas, and I do not drink hot tea. Are there other uses for this device? — Judy P., via email

There sure are! You can use the tea ball as a bouquet garni in your homemade soups and stews. Just add your fresh herbs and spices, and drop it in!

Another use is for draining capers. Open the bottle and separate the capers from the brine solution they are stored in.

Readers, let me know of any other hints for using a tea ball that you can think of. — Heloise DRAINING MEATLOAF Dear Heloise: I make meatloaf for family and church dinners. I always drain it during cooking.

The easy way is to put a smaller pan bottom down on top of the meat while tilting it to drain it. Never misses. — Sherrill S., Jacksonvil­le, Texas

That works! A tried-andtrue hint is to put several slices of bread (the ends of the loaf are perfect) on the bottom of the pan, then the meat. When you cut a slice, all of the grease stays in the pan. — Heloise

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