The Telegram (St. John's)

‘Time to stand’


Some comment’s about the ongoing attempt with some fishermen trying to break away from the FFAW and the Union’s expected response.

First, the harvesters also need to be aware of Ryan Cleary, who said, “Human Rights” are “boring.” This from a man who claims to have the fisherman’s best interest at heart, As this is the sole reason, why the fishery is in trouble, everywhere.

Secondly, I fully expected the FFAW to start sowing the seeds of doubt, as was very clear in Mr. Loomis Ways comments on a recent CBC interview, as he clearly articulate­d that he thinks the harvesters are “too stupid” to manage their own affairs, without the union, but just smart enough to buy into the FFAW’s continued empty promises, which is very clear, in the past 20 years.

It is tantamount to traffickin­g in persons, section: 279” of the C.C.C. (do the research)

The fish harvesters “do not need “a “new union.” A simple “Charter” court challenge to have the legislatio­n thrown out, that is unconstitu­tional, “blocking” outside buyers coming in and offering better prices, that will create healthy “competitio­n” within the Province.

The FFAW put this destructiv­e blockage in place, not to mention that they are in competitio­n with their members, having their own quotas, which is unpreceden­ted in the world, by this so-called Union!

And to make matters worse, the provincial government has bought into this, for years, to protect the plant workers, even if it means starving out the harvesters, is what is going on. All other jobs “were” created by the harvesters.

I will offer my help free of charge to launch a “charter” court challenge, “all” the way to the Supreme Court of Canada if necessary to repeal this destructiv­e damage done by the union to its own members, and the province in whole.

“Time to stand” with the fishermen, who gave us all what we enjoy today!

Because,“If you always do what you always did, You will always get what you always got!”

“First, the harvesters also need to be aware of Ryan Cleary, who said, “Human Rights” are “boring.” This from a man who claims to have the fisherman’s best interest at heart, As this is the sole reason, why the fishery is in trouble, everywhere.”

Stu Pearce The Peoples Assembly Coming soon to NL

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