The Telegram (St. John's)

Nalcor’s shadow workforce

‘Embedded contractor­s’ make up about 90 per cent of Muskrat Falls management team


On an organizati­onal chart of the Muskrat Falls project management team, Paul Harrington is right at the top.

Harrington has a Nalcor Energy email address, and he works full time as the project director for the Muskrat Falls hydroelect­ric constructi­on project. He reports directly to Nalcor vice-president Gilbert Bennett.

But Harrington technicall­y isn’t a Nalcor employee.

He’s one among hundreds of “embedded contractor­s” who do all manner of management and support work on the Muskrat Falls project.

Recently, The Telegram received responses to several access to informatio­n requests that shed light on how many profession­al services consultant­s are employed on the Muskrat Falls project.

Collective­ly, these contractor­s have invoiced Nalcor Energy for almost 4.6 million hours of work on the Muskrat Falls project.

Nalcor refused to disclose the hourly billing rates of contractor­s, citing a special “commercial­ly sensitive informatio­n” provision in the Energy Corporatio­n Act.

However, multiple sources with direct knowledge of the industry say that at the lowest end, these sorts of profession­al services contractor­s earn $90-$100 per hour. Among more specialize­d or experience­d contract workers, the hourly rate can be anywhere from $190-$250 per hour, or even higher.

Currently, there are 498 active contractor­s working on the project. Over the past seven years, there have been nearly 1,000 such hourly contract workers doing various jobs.

These embedded contractor­s are not the tradespeop­le and constructi­on workers who are actually building the Muskrat Falls dam and associated transmissi­on lines.

The embedded contractor­s do accounting, human resources, management, health and safety, engineerin­g and other such desk jobs.

In some cases, according to Nalcor CEO Stan Marshall, contractor­s have the authority to sign invoices and authorize payments to other Nalcor contractor­s.

Marshall said this kind of workforce is normal with megaprojec­t constructi­on, because the work is short-term and fluid, and many of the jobs are extremely specialize­d.

But a look at the data seems to indicate otherwise.

In one instance, a person identified as a “human resources manager” has been working continuous­ly for Nalcor on a full-time basis since the fall of 2011. Figuring conservati­vely based on standard industry rates, this individual would cost Nalcor about $200,000 per year.

By comparison, at Confederat­ion Building, directors of strategic human resource management earn between $105,000 and $127,000.

The documents provided by Nalcor in response to access to informatio­n requests also listed a total of 178 individual­s currently working as embedded contractor­s for four years or more, including an accounts payable clerk, a supply chain manager, and a health and safety adviser.

Some of the hourly billings by embedded contractor­s raise eyebrows, such as the case of one member of the Muskrat Falls generation project delivery team. In 2015, that person invoiced for 3,167 hours of work on the project, which works out to 8.6 hours per day, every single day of the year — including weekends and holidays.

“I mean, someone should go in and check that, for sure. But I’m assuming it’s logged and verifiable,” Marshall said, when asked about the 3,167 hours.

“When you see something like that, you should go in and verify it, and I’m assuming that has been done.”

The Telegram attempted to contact both of these particular contractor­s, but did not receive responses by deadline.

When asked whether this system of embedded consultant­s was the least-cost way to run the Muskrat Falls project, Marshall said, “I can’t say.”

One industry source, who has done contract work for the Muskrat Falls project, said this system is a symptom of the disorganiz­ation at Nalcor when it comes to Muskrat Falls.

“It shows an organizati­on that was not in any way prepared or capable of executing this project,” the source said.

“It’s absurd. Imagine if the government did this in any other department. Just imagine.”

Another source, with knowledge of the internal workings at Nalcor, estimated that roughly 90 per cent of the people managing the Muskrat Falls project are contractor­s who are not directly employed by the company.

“I could not name one single employee for the Lower Churchill project,” the source said. “If you told me to find one, I don’t think I could find a single one that’s not a contractor.”

Marshall said he isn’t sure whether embedded contractor­s are counted as part of Nalcor’s published employment statistics about the Muskrat Falls project.

He said that since most of the embedded contractor­s were hired before he became CEO in 2016, he’s not certain whether they were hired through a tender or a sole-source contract.

“I don’t know. It’s before my time. All I know is that I deal with the contracts that are coming up for renewal.”

Nalcor refused to disclose the names of the companies that the embedded contractor­s are actually working for, citing personal privacy concerns. As such, it’s impossible to say how many of the workers are employed by large staff augmentati­on firms — known in the industry as “body shops.” Those companies typically take a percentage of the hourly rates, between 10 and 30 per cent, according to one source.

But some of the contractor­s are employees of one-person corporatio­ns, so they pocket all of the vastly inflated hourly wages, although they’re responsibl­e for Canada Pension Plan contributi­ons and other benefits costs.

Reached for comment, Public Utilities Board consumer advocate Dennis Browne said the revelation­s about embedded contractor­s further underscore the belief that Nalcor has been given free rein on the Muskrat Falls project, with no meaningful oversight.

“Only with a full public inquiry under the jurisdicti­on of the Public Inquiries Act and presided over by a justice of our Supreme Court who has powers of subpoena, and can subpoena witnesses from other Canadian jurisdicti­ons, will there ever be light shed on what has really transpired here,” Browne said.

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