The Telegram (St. John's)

N.L. democracy sucks


Here’s something to think about when contemplat­ing Newfoundla­nd and Labrador democracy: it’s been literally a generation since we had a truly competitiv­e provincial election.

Older and wiser political watchers say the 1989 tilt between Tom Rideout and Clyde Wells was legitimate­ly competitiv­e. The province hasn’t seen the like of it since.

Brian Tobin steamrolle­d the competitio­n in the 1990s, and then after he handed things off to Roger Grimes, Danny Williams pasted the Liberals in 2003.

Kathy Dunderdale breezed to an easy victory against the utterly hapless Liberals under Kevin Aylward, and then when the hourglass finally ran out on the Tories, Dwight Ball and the Liberals trampled them into the ground.

The picture when it comes to municipal politics is, if anything, worse.

There are lots of election signs up right now, but Municipali­ties N.L. CEO Craig Pollett is sounding the alarm about how many councils across the province are being partly or totally acclaimed, without any need for a vote.

The same lack of meaningful democracy rears its head in the legislatur­e, too. Anybody who has the misfortune of listening to regular debate in the House of Assembly can tell you it’s largely meaningles­s theatre. Politician­s spout talking points, nobody listens and none of it matters.

Legislatio­n in this province is passed without any real study or debate, which is how all three parties can unanimousl­y support changes to the province’s election law which introduced some spectacula­rly unconstitu­tional rules when it comes to special ballot voting.

The courts struck down the statute earlier this month, and the government is urgently trying to untangle that mess.

Elections NL took a year and a half to post the political donations informatio­n from the 2015 election, so god help any citizen trying to figure out whether their elected representa­tives are giving favours to their friends.

Remember Frank Coleman? The political neophyte who very nearly became premier without anybody in the province ever casting a ballot for him? Remember when his one serious political opponent, Bill Barry, quit the Tory leadership race in 2014, essentiall­y saying the whole thing was a rigged fait accompli meant to install Coleman as the heir apparent?

This isn’t democracy, not really.

Now, in a province where the roads are full of holes and the taxes are high and the schools are frustratin­g and the hospitals are frustratin­g, too, it’s hard to ask people to get worked up about something as abstract and intangible as democratic structure.

But it matters, because it’s the foundation on top of which everything else is built.

In a system of feudalism with democratic window-dressing, it’s a lot easier for a mostly all-powerful premier to ram an ill-considered megaprojec­t through to sanctionin­g. And without meaningful oversight by the legislatur­e, it’s a lot easier for that project to spiral out of control with insane cost overruns and schedule delays.

A lack of real democratic culture stifles debate. It stifles dissent. It gives rise to the culture where everybody knows you’d better keep your mouth shut, or else there’ll be trouble.

Remember when Andy Wells said that while he was chair of the Public Utilities Board, he knew Muskrat Falls was going to be a disaster, but he didn’t speak out and condemn it publicly because he was worried about losing his job?

Well, now Wells is running for mayor and, ironically, it looks like the election is shaping up to be a legitimate­ly competitiv­e race.

We would be better off if there were more elections like it.

This isn’t an easy problem to fix. This is an entrenched culture that goes back at least to Joey Smallwood, if not further. Any solutions will be slow and difficult, and altogether too often, it feels like politician­s aren’t really interested in trying.

Perhaps “The Democracy Cookbook” will be the start of some real change, although in my more pessimisti­c moments, I suspect we’re headed somewhere darker.

Back in the 1930s, in Newfoundla­nd they talked about taking a “rest from politics” when we gave up our democracy and our sovereignt­y, falling into the paternalis­tic arms of colonial rule.

Politics and democracy is exhausting, especially when it’s as deeply flawed as in Newfoundla­nd and Labrador. I worry that if we don’t start exercising our democratic rights more actively soon, we’ll start longing to take another rest.

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