The Telegram (St. John's)

Rock solid numbers

2017 Tim Hortons Brier had $10.1-million impact on province


For nine days last March, the impact of the Tim Hortons Brier was plain to see.

Hotels in downtown St. John’s and throughout the city were booked solid at a time of year when they normally experience sluggish occupancy rates.

Mile One Centre and the Brier Patch, the curling cham- pionship’s pre-eminent party venue, were alive with activity day and night.

And those not able to get into the big party at the St. John’s Convention Centre filtered throughout the downtown, where they patronized the many bars and restaurant­s.

“Anybody that was around during that week would have seen the impact,” says Mayor Danny Breen, who was a ward councillor at the time. “The place was hopping.”

But what was the true economic impact of hosting the Canadian men’s curling championsh­ip, considered to be among the marquee annual sporting events in the country?

The Telegram gained exclusive access to the economic impact study undertaken by the Canadian Sport Tourism Associatio­n (CSTA) on behalf of the Brier host committee and Curling Canada.

The report, compiled and authored by CSTA economic impact consultant Tony Fisher, indicates the Brier was worth an estimated $10.1 million in economic activity to the province, with $9.1 million of that benefiting the city of St. John’s.

(Comparativ­ely, the men’s world curling championsh­ip held in Edmonton in April had a value of $6.7 million to Alberta and $6 million to the city.)

“I was a little concerned that you might not get the same level of visitation that they’d hoped for, but it turned out those concerns were unfounded as 27 per cent of the people came from out of province.”

Tony Fisher

To generate its estimated figures, Fisher used the refined CSTA Sport Tourism Economic Assessment Model Profession­al Version 2 (STEAM PRO), which incorporat­es the event budget and capital expenditur­es by the organizers and other stakeholde­rs with spectator survey data collected at the venue.

In the case of the St. John’s Brier, 479 persons agreed to complete a survey that sought to determine where they were coming from and how many draws they were attending, and asked questions about their satisfacti­on with the event. Those determined to be outof-town spectators — meaning they travelled more than 40 kilometres to attend the Brier — were also queried about the length of their visit and spending while in St. John’s.

“It’s a little bit daunting to hold something like the Brier in St. John’s in early March,” says Fisher. “I was a little concerned that you might not get the same level of visitation that they’d hoped for, but it turned out those concerns were unfounded as 27 per cent of the people came from out of province.”

Moreover, 48 per cent of the seats at Mile One Centre were occupied by out-of-town residents.

“That’s a really solid number,” says Fisher. “When I do these studies, I always expect,

depending on the event, between 25 and 50 per cent to come from outside of the host community, so seeing that level of support was fantastic.”

Fisher says the estimated $10.1 million figure is likely higher, due largely to the freakish windstorm that wreaked havoc on the second-last day of the spiel.

“We do all our surveying through the week and into the final weekend and then you guys got a storm that hit right at the end, so people, especially those from off the island, end up staying for an extra day or two.”

Breen said the number also doesn’t factor in the promotiona­l value to the city and province.

“When you look at the advertisin­g on TSN in terms of just the shots going across Canada, those things are pretty powerful,” he says. “It’s basically free advertisin­g that to otherwise buy would be significan­t.”

And it seems the newly minted mayor has an eye toward more sport tourism events in the future.

“I think it’s one of the fastestgro­wing segments of the tourism market in the country and we have the facilities and the capacity to host more major events and we’re certainly out looking for those events right now.”

 ?? TELEGRAM FILE PHOTO ?? According to the economic impact assessment conducted by the Canadian Sport Tourism Alliance, the 2017 Tim Hortons Brier was worth an estimated $10.1 million to the province, including $9.1 million of economic activity in the city of St. John’s alone.
TELEGRAM FILE PHOTO According to the economic impact assessment conducted by the Canadian Sport Tourism Alliance, the 2017 Tim Hortons Brier was worth an estimated $10.1 million to the province, including $9.1 million of economic activity in the city of St. John’s alone.

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