The Telegram (St. John's)

Have your picture taken with Santa Check our website for hours.


Dear Santa,

Hi! My name is Avery Hickey. I am two and a half years old and very excited about all things Christmas this year! Thank you for the cool gifts you brought me last year, I’ve had so much fun playing with them. I really, really love Paw Patrol and anything involving trucks and tools, so if you could please bring me a couple surprises like that I would be thrilled. This year is very special because I am going to become a big brother any day now and I can’t wait! Could you please bring a tiny baby toy for my new little brother too? Also, I can’t forget my big furry brother Cooper (he loves chew toys).

Santa please be extra special to all the sick kids and kids in need around the world.

I will be sure to save some milk and cookies for your visit. Oh, and treats for the reindeer. Merry Christmas, Santa! Careful flying.

Love Avery

Arnold’s Cove

Dear Santa,

Hi my name is Danielle Brooks. I am 1 year old, and I live in O’donnell’s SMB. Thank you for the gifts you brought me last year, I especially my mobile, I loved it. Mommy and daddy says I have been a good girl this year. This year I would like some toys, a doll, a new pair of boots and some clothes. Please be sure you are good to all the sick boys and girls in the Janeway. Also be EXTRA good to my big sister, Aubree.

I will leave cookies and milk for you and some carrots for your reindeer.

Have a safe trip!

Love your little princess, Danielle Brooks


Dear Santa,

Hi my name is Aubree Brooks. I am 2 years old, I live in O’donnell’s SMB. Mommy and daddy says I’ve been a good girl this year. Thank you so much for the gifts you brought me last year. This year I would like LOL Dolls, A fingerling, a guitar like my daddy’s, and some clothes. Please be good to all the sick boys and girls in the hospital. Please be extra good to my little sister, Danielle.

I will leave cookies and milk under the tree for you and carrots for your reindeer. Have a safe trip!

Lots of love,

Aubree Brooks


Dear Santa,

My name is Isabella Currie and I live in Torbay, Newfoundla­nd & Labrador. I will be one year old on February 15th so this is my very first Christmas! I have an awesome big brother, Cameron. I’m sure you remember him.

I have been a very good girl and would love a Little Tikes Bike, Helmet and a Tag Puppy. Please remember all the little boys and girls around the world, especially my brother, all of my cousins and friends. I promise to be in my crib early on Christmas Eve. My brother and I will leave milk and cookies for you and some carrots and reindeer food for Rudolph and the others.


Your Little Friend, Isabella Currie


Dear Santa,

My name is Cameron Currie and I live in Torbay, Newfoundla­nd & Labrador. I will be five years old on Dec. 3. This Christmas is so special because now I have a little sister, Isabella to share all the fun with.

Thank you so much for the gifts that you brought me last year. You really rock Santa! Our Elf Chippy, has already come to our house. I’m sure he will tell you I’ve been an awesome big brother and super good. This year I wish that you could bring me a Hockey Net, a Hockey Water bottle, a Book, and a Scooter.

Please remember all the little boys and girls around the world and especially my little sister, all of my cousins and friends. I promise to be asleep, in bed early on Christmas Eve. We will leave you some milk and Mommy’s homemade chocolate chip cookies. Also, we have special reindeer food that we will sprinkle on our lawn along with some carrots for Rudolph and the gang.

Merry Christmas Santa! Love,

Your Little Buddy, Cameron Currie

Dear Santa,

Mom and Dad say I’ve been quite good,

I’ve tried really hard,

I did the best I could. Caring and thoughtful I’ve been all this year, working on my tantrums, but I also share.

I know the holiday season is near, and it’s your busiest time of year.

So I’ve made up a list to assist you, with the hope that it’s perfectly clear.

I would like Dinosaur Legos to play with and enjoy, and for me and my Brother Austen, a Hatchimal Toy. The Toilet Game is a Must, and if I’m extra good the Cars 3 Bus.

Please be good to my new friends at Daycare, Krista, Jenna, Jack, and of course Carter and Clair. My Mom says this is the

most wonderful time of the year, tell Mrs. Claus, the Elves, and the Reindeer to take care.

I will have Christmas cookies and milk waiting for you, a tasty snack is a must with all you have to do.

Merry Christmas, Owen Chafe 4 years old, Goulds

Dear Santa,

This is my first letter I’m writing to you.

I can’t wait for Christmas, I’m almost two!

I’m trying to be good, I really am!

I’m doing the best that I possibly can.

It’s hard, I admit it,

and my Pop keeps saying “Oh Austen you’re a ticket”.

So here is my list please bring what you can, cause my mom says “Austen, you’re the sweetest little man”.

I’m dreaming of a hat, of beautiful Seal skin, one just like my brother Owen’s so we can be twins. A truck and Motorcycle I would adore, and a surprise from you in my stocking for sure.

Drayson, my cousin please don’t forget, he’s been so good I’m willing to bet. Merry Christmas to you and Mrs. Claus as well, Can’t wait for the 24th to hear your sleigh bells.

Love, Austen Chafe 1 Year old, Goulds

Dear Santa,

My name is Kate Dalton. Thank you for all the gifts that you brought me last year!! I live in Bay Bulls with my mom, dad and little sister Kayleigh. This year if you could bring me an ipod, a few books, a few things from Ivivva and a few surprises!! If you could manage those gifts, it would put a jolly smile on my face!!

Merry Christmas,

Your friend Kate

Kate Dalton

Bay Bulls


My name is Kayleigh Dalton and I live in Bay Bulls. Thank you for all the presents you brought me last year. This year I could like a heavy baby and some clothes for my heavy baby. I could also like a hatchimal. If you want to bring me some surprises too, I would be ok with that. Don’t forget my friend in kindergart­en and my sister Kate.

Love your friend, Kayleigh Dalton

Bay Bulls

Dear Santa,

My name is Addison Cashin and I am 6 years old! Apparently I am still a fiery red head, says my mom, but I think I have it under control! I have been a really good girl this year and I am trying very hard in school. Reading is tough, but I am getting the hang of it!

This year I would love a DS with some games, another Cabbage Patch doll, a Fingerling, Legos, some clothes, an LOL doll, and maybe a few surprises too!!

Please be good to all the boys and girls around the world, especially those who need more than me. Also, don’t forget my sister Taylor, cousins Makenzie and Connor, and friends Emily and Julia, Amelia and Ava. Taylor and I will leave milk and cookies for you and carrots for your reindeer by the fireplace. Safe flying Santa!! Addison Cashin, xoxo

Dear Santa,

It’s me again!!! Taylor Cashin and I’m 10 years old! Our elf Charlie Cheesecake will soon be back and I really hope she causes lots of trouble again this year. I find her shenanigan­s really funny but mom doesn’t seem to share my humour! ☺ This year I would love to have a 2DS XL with Super Mario Bros 2. I would also like the game Monopoly, black clothes, and lots of books…auggie and Me, Drama, Smile, Sisters, and the new Diary of a Wimpy Kid the Getaway.

Please be good to all the boys and girls around the world, especially those who need more than me. Also, don’t forget my little sister Addison, cousins Makenzie and Connor, and friends Emily, Julia and Emily and Kylie.

Addison and I will leave milk and cookies for you and carrots for your reindeer by the fireplace.

No texting while flying Santa!! Cheers!


Dear Santa,

It’s me Grant William Sullivan. This year I am 3 years old and a big brother to my baby sissy Rachel. Thank you for my presents last year, I still play with them everyday. This year could you please bring anything Ben 10. I love you Santa, please remember all the children at the Janeway and those less fortunate. Rachel and I will leave milk and cookies for you and carrots for the reindeer’s. Hugs and Kisses,

Grant Sullivan

Dear Santa,

My name is Rachel Linda Sullivan and I am 9 months old. This is going to be my first Christmas so I am very excited with the tree and lights. Since I am new at this a surprise present sounds perfect Santa. Please don’t forget my brother Grant, he is the best big brother. And please remember all the boys and girls across the world. We will set out sweets for you, so take a break and enjoy. Santa I just can’t wait to celebrate my first Christmas with my family. Hugs and Kisses,

Rachel Sullivan Dear Santa,

My name is Cullen Crane and I am four years old. Thank you for the gifts you brought me last year. I had lots of fun playing with them. I have been extra good all year. For Christmas this year, I would like if you could bring me a Paw Patrol Lookout Tower, Cars Smash and Crash Derby and a Bat Cave. Please don’t forget my little brother, Keegan. I will leave a snack for you and your reindeer on Christmas Eve. Merry Christmas, Santa!


Cullen Crane

Witless Bay

Dear Santa,

My name is Keegan Crane and I am two years old. Thank you for all of the gifts you brought me last year. I have tried really hard to be good all year, but it is hard sometimes because I like to keep busy! For Christmas this year, I would like Marshall, a slide and some Mickey and the Roadster Racers. Please bring something nice for my big brother, Cullen. We will leave treats for you and your reindeer on Christmas Eve. Have a safe trip!


Keegan Crane

Witless Bay

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