The Telegram (St. John's)

Have your picture taken with Santa


Dear Santa,

My name is Maggie Carew and I am 8 years old and in grade 3. I’ve been a good girl this year. Thank you for all the presents you gave me last year. This year I would like a CCM tacks ice hockey stick, Bauer goalie pads and a Warrior hockey bag. Could you please bring something nice to my friends and my big brother, Noah. I will leave some milk and cookies on the coffee table for you. Have a very safe trip!

Merry Christmas Santa from your girl,

Maggie Carew, St. John’s

Dear Santa,

My name is Noah Woodford. This is my first Christmas, and I am loving all the lights and decoration­s. I am 6 months old. Mommy and Daddy say I have been a very good little boy. I would love if you could bring me a crawl around car and some books. Also, please bring my dog ‘Poppy’ some treats and a toy. I will leave some milk and cookies for you.

Love, Noah Woodford Paradise

Dear Santa,

My name is Ethan Tobin & I am almost 5 years old. Thank you for all the gifts you brought me last year, I still play with them all. This year for Christmas I would like the Thomas & Friends Super Station, something Hot Wheels, a game and some craft supplies. Now that I am in school I love doing crafts. Please don’t forget my cousins Cohen, Ava, Isla and Bree, my buddy next door Olivia and all my friends in Ms. Foote’s Kindergart­en class.

Your Buddy

Ethan Tobin

Mount Pearl

Dear Santa,

My name is Clark Coady and I am 3 and 1/2 years old. Thank you for all the presents you brought me last year. This year I would like the Paw Patrol Air Patroller, a Woods Truck, workbench, and a toy puppy dog.

Please don’t forget the boys and girls in hospital and my big sister Falyn.

I will leave some treats for you and the reindeer by my tree. Thanks.

Love your little buddy, Clark Coady

St. John’s

Dear Santa,

My name is Falyn Coady. I am six years old. Thank you for the gifts you brought last year. This year I would like a little live pet turtle, a bed for my doll, a hatchimal, figure skates and a fancy pillow.

Please remember the sick boys and girls and my little brother Clark.

I will leave a snack for you and the reindeer.

Your friend,

Falyn Coady

St. John’s

Dear Santa,

It’s my very first Christmas, and I hear that writing to you is a good idea. My name is Gwendolyn Collier and I’m 9 months old. Is it true that you bring presents? If that’s true, I would really love blocks and a touch and feel book. Mommy and Daddy say I also need a new car seat. Would you mind going to Toronto to bring my cousins, Danton and Anya, presents, too? Thanks. Oh, and my dog, Posey; She really likes toys. Most of all, I would like you to spread Christmas cheer to all of the other boys and girls who need it most. Thanks Santa. I’ll leave you presents too! I heard a rumour that you like cookies. I’ll ask my Nannies to make you some.

Your new friend, Gwendolyn Collier

Dear Santa,

Hope everyone at the North Pole is doing well and as excited for Christmas as I am! Mommy says I’ve been mostly nice all year and only a little bit naughty! So for Christmas I would like some toys, books and puzzles! I love PJ Masks, Peppa Pig, Paw Patrol and of course Mickey and Minnie if you need a hint of what to get me! If you could bring my dog Pepper some treats that would be great because she is the best pet ever! Please be good to all the other children in the world and make sure everyone has a great Christmas this year! When you see my Nana Wight, Papa and Nana in Ontario please tell them I miss them! And when you visit my Nanny and Poppy Reddy please give them a present because they are always giving me lots! Excited for you to come but scared to get my picture taken with you!

Love Always, Madelyn Shea Wight

Age 2

Paradise, NL

Dear Santa,

My name is Lucas Winsor and I am 7 years old. I am in Grade 2 at Hazelwood Elementary. This year is going to be really exciting because I have a new baby sister Madison. Mommy and Daddy are proud of me for being a good big brother and helping out. This year I don’t want much Santa/ I would like a Nintendo Switch, new skates and a ring with an ‘L’ on it. Last but not least a few surprises. Santa, please bring the children at the Janeway presents as well as my baby sister Madison! We will leave you milk and cookies and carrots for the reindeer! Be safe Santa! Love your little buddy Lucas Winsor

St. John’s, NL

Dear Santa,

My name is Madison Winsor and I am just five months old! This is my very first Christmas and even though I don’t understand it yet, my big brother Lucas is making me very excited for it all! Mommy, Daddy and Lucas tell me I have been such a good girl so far! This Christmas I do not need much. Some new outfits would be nice because I am growing every day and a few more toys and books! My big brother and I will be sure to leave out cookies and milk for you and carrots for the reindeer, Santa, please remember all of the sick children and those less fortunate. Also please bring something special to my big brother Lucas because he is the best and I love him very much! Have a safe trip Santa! Love your new friend Madison Winsor

St. John’s NL

Dear Santa,

My name is Nathan and this is my very first Christmas. I am 6 months old and I’ve been a very good boy. I am so excited to see all of the Christmas lights and to spend Christmas with my family, both in St. John’s and Corner Brook.

For Christmas, I’m only asking for a couple of things, as I know I’ll be spoiled by my parents, grandparen­ts and all my aunts and uncles. I would love a big new bookshelf and some books; I love reading! I’d also love to have a few new toys that I can chew on.

I will leave some milk and cookies for you and some carrots for the reindeer. Thank you, Santa! Merry Christmas!

From you new friend Nathan Coles

PS. Please don’t forget my new cousins Cohen and Lauren.

Dear Santa,

Hi. My name is Jack and I will soon be 3 years old. Thank you for all the nice things last year. Mommy says I’m a pretty good boy but nanny and poppy say I’m a very good boy! For Christmas I would love to have anything that goes choo choo. My new favorite toys are trains, although anything with wheels will do. Please remember all the sick little boys and girls and all the cats and dogs waiting for homes. Also, please be extra nice to all my cousins. Mommy says we will leave you a special something and a treat for the reindeer. Merry Christmas Santa. Say hello to Mrs. Claus, the elves and the reindeer. Thank you

Love Jack Pretty-hart Xoxox

Dear Santa,

My name is Charlie Crane and I live in Calvert, Newfoundla­nd. I have been a very good boy this year. I would like to have five things for Christmas:

1. Hatchimal

2. Beyblade

3. Minecraft lego

4. Guitar

5. Robot

Please remember to bring something for my sister Madison and my brother Ashton. Also mommy and daddy should get something nice.

I will have milk and cookies waiting for you and a carrot for the reindeer.



Dear Santa:

My name is Connor Smith and I live in Clarke’s Beach and I am 4 years old. Thank you for the gifts you gave me last year. I really enjoyed playing with my new toys. This year I would love to have Power Rangers Megazord, some superhero action figures and some mash’ems (my favorite) … Santa, I have been a good boy all year and I would love for you to bring my mommy and daddy something special as they take really good care of me. Don’t forget the less fortunate and the sick and oh ya my nanny Smith and Poppy Smith in Clarke’s Beach and my great nanny and poppy Sweeney and great nanny and poppy Baker on Bell Island and my nanny Sweeney and Poppy Baker on Bell Island as well. I will leave you some cookies and milk and I will leave carrots for the reindeer. Say hi to all the elves and Mrs. Clause for me please. Have a safe trip on your special night.

Love your little friend Connor Smith,

Clarke’s Beach.

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