The Telegram (St. John's)

Short did have a point


I do agree with Robin Short’s recent commentary about our people.

Not that I hate kitchen parties — on the contrary. I love them.

Newfoundla­nders are often very talented musicians and I enjoyed the airport party when I watched it. It was fun, and very nice for, well, anybody. But Short was right when he wrote about that “stereotype of the ‘goofy Newfie’ — you know, the sou’wester-wearing, life-ofthe-party Newfoundla­nder who yearns for a good time, but is virtually incompeten­t at everything else.”

Let me explain.

I went to Harbour Grace in 2008 when Danny Cleary came home with the Stanley Cup, becoming the first Newfoundla­nder to win the beloved trophy. I was also there in Bonavista in 2011 when Michael Ryder, the second Newfoundla­nder to win the cup, was there.

There were thousands and thousands of people at both of these celebratio­ns.

Muskrat Falls got sanctioned in 2012. OK, fair point, not many people knew about the bad things about this project in 2008 and 2011. But they do now, it’s coming out, and how many people have organized a great big Muskrat Falls mega-demonstrat­ion? Hardly anybody. They’d rather go see the Stanley Cup than fight against a big project that will bankrupt the province.

I’ve been to an anti-muskrat Falls rally. Hardly anyone was there.

To take another example, I went to a rally at Confederat­ion Building in the spring of 2016 that was against the 2016 provincial budget. After the rally, I checked the CBC Newfoundla­nd and Labrador News Facebook page to see what people were saying — and it was a shock to me, to say the least, that they were crucifying not the budget, but the fact that I wore pyjamas to the protest.

To take another example, when the lady firefighte­r in Spaniard’s Bay got upset and offended because someone showed porn in the firefighti­ng classroom, a lot of people attacked her and defended that ol’ boys sexist club where they could get away with that type of thing. I find it unacceptab­le!

Also, many people defended the anti-muslim posters that were put up at the university. People talk about how my people are friendly and open — yeah, maybe if you’re white and a Newfoundla­nder like them.

I well remember the complainer­s who complained when CBC hired Ryan Snoddon to be the weatherper­son. They didn’t like him because he wasn’t born in Newfoundla­nd. And all you have to do when the CBC Newfoundla­nd news Facebook page posts something about a Muslim or a foreigner is look and see all the xenophobes there.

Newfoundla­nders do seem to care more about having fun than about serious issues.

I’d like to see my people continue to go see the sports figures and have the kitchen parties. But stop being xenophobic, get rid of the ol’ boys sexist club and care more about budgets and other important issues like Muskrat Falls.

Jacklyn Adams Paradise

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