The Telegram (St. John's)

Have your picture taken with Santa


Hi Santa

My name is Emma Margaret Wen and I live in Brossard, Quebec. I will be visiting my Nana and Gpa Tobin in St. John’s again this year. I am 17 months old and really don’t need very much for Christmas just one toy and some clothes. Please be good to all the kids in hospital and also leave some toys to remain in the hospital for the children who are patients there to play with. Thank you Santa for all the things you brought me last year. I will leave some milk and cookies out for you and some carrot for your reindeers. Safe travels Santa.

Lots of love from Emma Wen

Dear Santa,

My name is Zoe White and I’m one year old. I live in St. John’s Newfoundla­nd with my Dad, Mom and cat named Jack. Thank you so much for the presents last year. I loved them all. For Christmas this year I would like some bath time toys, some books for bed time and some crayons and a colouring book. Please don’t forget all the boys and girls in the hospital. Could you please stop into all my cousins I’m sure they would love a visit from you.

Please send hugs and kisses to Mrs. Claus, the elves and reindeer for me.

Lots of Love

Zoe White

Dear Santa,

My name is Reese Critch. How are you, Mrs. Claus and the elves? I have been a great girl this year, especially in my new roll of being a big sister! This year for Christmas I would like a Hatchimal and a baby doll if you would. Please don’t forget my sister and all those less fortunate this holiday season. I will leave some milk and cookies on Christmas eve for you and some carrots and apples for the reindeer.

Love as always,

Reese Critch xoxox Torbay, NL

Dear Santa,

My name is Rayah Critch of Torbay. This is my very 1st Christmas as I am just 9 month’s old. I am looking forward to all the excitement and can’t wait to meet you! This year for Christmas, I would like a baby doll and a play phone please. Don’t forget my big sis Reese, she’s been great since my arrival! I hope you stay safe on your travels!

Love as always,

Rayah Critch xoxo Torbay, NL

Dear Santa,

Last year was my first Christmas, it was amazing! Thank you for all the presents I got. I was a good little girl this year and have learned to share with my older sister, Elyse. This year I would like some blocks to build towers Please give Mrs. Claus and the busy elves a big hug, as I love to give hugs to my friends. I am leaving your reindeer a special blend of oats that sparkle like magic. Mommy and I have made you some yummy shortbread cookies. Happy Christmas!! Love,

Nadia Maher

St. John’s, NL xoxo

Dear Santa,

Thank you for all the awesome toys you brought last year. I hope you and Mrs. Claus are well. I have been a good girl this year and helped my mom take care of my baby sister, Nadia. This Christmas I would really like a Luvabella Doll. I have homegrown carrots for your reindeer and for you Santa, I have some of Poppy Rogers favourite apricot cake. Safe Travels Happy Christmas.


Elyse Maher

St. John’s, NL Xoxo

Dear Santa,

This Christmas, I am 11 years old. This year, I have been good all of the time. What I would like most this Christmas is bouncy balls and a teddy bear. And I promise to leave out cookies for you!

Merry Christmas, Santa! Love,


P.S. Please say ‘Hi’ to Mrs.

Claus for me!

Dear Santa,

This Christmas, I am 11 years old. This year, I have been good some of the time. What I would like most this Christmas is blue pez dispensers and a blue Pokemon stuffed toy. And I promise to leave out cookies and milk for you! Merry Christmas, Santa! Love,


P.S. Please say ‘Hi’ to the elves for me!

Dear Santa,

This Christmas, I am 10 years old. This year, I have been good some of the time. What I would like most this Christmas is the Wiggles Emma doll and Dora the Explorer books. And I promise to leave out cookies for you! Merry Christmas, Santa! Love,


P.S. Please say ‘Hi’ to the elves for me!

Dear Santa Claus,

My name is Jenna Whelan. I am 11 years old and I live in Paradise, NL! I know that I wasn’t that good this year but I try to be good and help my mommy but it’s hard when I have to share a room with my sister, Madison! Anyway, this is my wish list: an ipad case, ipad repaired, makeup, LOL surprise, a fluffy blanket, slippers – flamingo, a bead set and clothes. But what I want mostly is for my two big sisters to come on Christmas! I really want them to come home! That’s all.



Jenna Whelan

Love you, Santa.

Dear Santa Claus,

Hi Santa! Christmas is my favourite holiday because you spend time with your family! For Christmas this year, I would like a ventriloqu­ist’s doll (like in the picture I’m sending), a light up microphone with an amplifier, a pig (please, please, please!!), a LOL doll, a Fingerling, a Little Live Pet, My Fairy Wish Kit, Smooshies and Oonies. Sincerely yours,


Dear Santa,

I hope you have had a good year and you were on schedule with the toys. So, let’s get to the point! For Christmas, I want Pokemon EX, Mega and GX. I also want some Gogo’s Crazy Bones toys and a drone. From,


P.S. If possible, can you bring a computer? I want that too. P.P.S.I like cows! : )

Dear Santa,

Please bring my most special 2 gifts — a baby doll and a Mini Mouse toy. I will leave you some milk and cookies and a carrot for your Reindeer. I am a good girl ballerina and wear your seatbelt, Santa. Please take care of Andrew too.


Olivia (Livvi)

Dear Santa,

I am Andrew. I am always a very good big boy. I love Nike stuff and I love Christmas. Thank you for coming over at Christmas. Please bring me some Christmas family love.

Love big brother, Andrew

Dear Santa,

My name is baby Roxy. I love Santa. Merry Christmas. I try to be good all of the time and I answer ‘yes’ on all my Santa Tracker questions. Please bring me a baby doll and candy. Love,

Baby Roxina (Roxi)

Dear Santa,

Hi there! My name is Chloe and I am 4 years old. How have you been this last year? My mom and dad said I have been a good girl this year. For Christmas I would like to have a Hatchimal, a Princess doll, a LOL doll and Paw Patrol Mash’ems. Please remember all the sick little boys and girls at the Janeway for Christmas and please bring my new baby cousin something special too, please. I will leave some milk and cookies for you on Christmas Eve.

Your friend,


Dear Santa,

This year I want a Revive skateboard – Jonny Giger and the Cerberus, 2 Tech Deck ramps and 2 Tech Decks, and a Rocker Mini Bmx…please. Merry Christmas!

Your friend,

Mason Whelan

Dear Santa,

My name is Victoria but I love to be called Vikki. I just moved to Newfoundla­nd from Ontario. I love it here and I love you. I’m a good girl and promise I will stay good. I would like 2 special presents — a baby and hamster toy.

Merry Christmas.


Victoria (Vikki)

Dear Santa,

I like to have an extreme adventure. I’m sending you a picture of a great truck, it’s big and has 4 bulldozer wheels. It’s one of the fastest and strongest in the world.



Dear Santa,

This year, I would like an Oonies Animal Maker and a new bike set! I am very happy because this year I can write my Christmas list and talk to you all alone! I love to read and I would like Raina’s first book called Smile. And to keep me warm at night a pair of Pekkle PJS! Thank you for being who almost every kid dreams of in the jolly December month! Sincerely,

Amelia O’brien


Dear Santa,

How are you? Are the reindeer all ready for Christmas Eve? My name is Briar Rose Hurley, I am 3 years old and very excited for Christmas to come this year. I have been a really good girl. For Christmas, I would like you to bring me a Spiderman ball and a big trumpet. Also, could you bring something nice for my new baby brother who will be arriving before Christmas. Please remember all the special boys and girls all over the world. P.S. There is a special key in my playhouse.


Briar xo

Dear Santa,

My name is Shealyn Pretty. I am 9 years old. I am so excited that it’s almost Christmas! This year I have been mostly nice (no one is perfect!). My favourite colour is teal and my favourite thing to do is skate. Here are my Christmas wishes: a gymnastics mat, a hoverboard seat, wireless headphones, Christmas joy, Christmas spirit and Christmas laughter. Thank you for making the world a brighter place! Love,

Shealyn Pretty

P.S. I have one more favour to ask…please bring presents to kids who aren’t as lucky as me.

Dear Santa,

My name is Chase Pretty. I am 6 years old. I am so excited that it’s almost Christmas! This year I have been mostly nice (no one is perfect!). My favourite colour is blue and my favourite thing to do is skate. Here are my Christmas wishes: a drone, a robot fish and a Nerf Brainsaw. Also to be a good friend. Thank you for making the world a brighter place! Love, Chase P.S. I have one more favour to ask…please bring presents to kids who aren’t as lucky as me.

Dear Santa,

My name is Maddie Hemeon and I am 9 1/2 years old. Thank you for all the wonderful gifts you brought me last year. Mommy and Daddy said I have been a very good girl this year. For Christmas this year, I would like a LOL doll, Beanie Boos, Wonder books and surprises. Please don’t forget all the sick children and make sure to bring them something extra special.

Merry Christmas!



P.S. I will leave some treats for you and the reindeer!

Dear Santa,

Hi, my name is Reid Walsh and I’ve been a really good boy this year. This year for Christmas I would like some clothes, a table and chair set and a leap pad. Please don’t forget to bring some goodies to all the other good little boys and girls and to all my fur babies. Please be extra good to my mommy and daddy and my nanny’s for taking such great care of me. I will leave some yummy treats for you and the reindeer. Love,

Reid Walsh

Dear Santa,

Hi from Iqaluit, Nunavut! Our names are Macey and Jack Hodgers and we writing this from the cold north (pretty close to your home in the North Pole, Santa)! We wish we could be at Nanny and Poppy’s house for the holidays, but Jack is over 2 now and Mommy says it would cost a fortune to fly us all the way to Placentia this year. We hope that Poppy’s Christmas cake lights up this year, as he tries every year without success. We also hope that Nanny’s singing voice is as good as it always is when she sings those Christmas songs. Please bring Jack a blue helicopter and Macey a new dolly. And we hope that all our cousins, aunts, uncles, and especially our Nanny and Poppy have a very merry Christmas and that they don’t miss us too much!!!

Thank-you Santa, we love you! Macey and Jack Hodgers Iqaluit, Nunavut

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