The Telegram (St. John's)

Salvation Army, beware


The director of external affairs of St. John’s Pride Inc. has stated, in a letter to the editor (“Operation Christmas Child is finally gone,” Dec. 18), that the Samaritan’s Purse, which is a program of the Southern Baptist Church, is spreading hateful vitriol and is blatantly homophobic. Why does he say this?

Simply as a Christian church they believe in the inerrant truth of the Holy Bible, which God has revealed to mankind, that marriage is between a man and a woman for the purpose of procreatio­n. According to Noah Davis-power then, every Christian church that believes the truth of Holy Scripture is spreading hateful vitriol and is blatantly homophobic.

The Salvation Army, which is a Christian church, is now being attacked by the LGBTQ community. The Holy Donut Shop in Portland, Maine was working with the Salvation Army to provide Christmas gifts for needy children. Those who donated presents and winter clothes for these children would receive a free doughnut. However, the LGBTQ community claimed that the Salvation Army has a history of discrimina­tion against them. As a result of receiving online complaints from the LGBTQ community, the Donut Shop broke off its relationsh­ip with the Salvation Army and no further presents or clothes were accepted. The Salvation Army responded that we serve anywhere there is need, without discrimina­tion.

That is certainly true in Newfoundla­nd, where the Salvation Army supports everyone in need through their food banks, the Wiseman Centre and all other programs without regard to denominati­on or sexuality.

It seems that the LGBTQ has an agenda to erase all opposition toward same-sex marriage in our community by being intolerant and bigoted toward Christians. However, this will never happen because Christians believe God ordained marriage between a man and a woman.

2 Corinthian­s 4:4: “the god of this age has blinded the minds of unbeliever­s, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ.”

Tolson Chapman St. John’s

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