The Telegram (St. John's)

Have your picture taken with Santa


Dear Santa,

How are you, Mrs. Claus and all of the reindeer? Thank you for the gifts you left for me and Amaia last year. I’ve tried my best all year to be a good girl and to be a good big sister. It’s a hard at times but I’m trying my best. This year I would like to have an Everest Paw Patrol. Amaia would like her own Paw Patrol toys so we can both have a set. Me and sissy would also really like to have some new crayons and coloring books. I guess you better bring mommy and daddy some magic erasers because sometimes we use the walls to colour on... Please remember to bring something to all the other boys and girls to brighten their day. Me and sissy will bake you some shortbread and leave you a cup of coffee for your long night. Safe travels,

Odessa and Amaia Brown

Dear Santa

My name is Killian Colin James Slaney. I am just 15 months old and my poppy is helping me with this letter.

I am a very good boy, who loves to have fun and play with my toys. For Christmas I would like my first sled and hopefully snow so my best friend Porsha can pull me around. She is such a good dog!! Please bring something real nice for my mom, she loves me more than anything in this world. Also can you bring something nice for my grandma, she tells me how much I am loved every day. I will leave some fresh carrots for the reindeer and a cold glass of milk for you.

Thank the elves for all the hard work making sure all boys and girls in the world have a Christmas present.

All my love


Hi Santa,

My name is Reegan and I am 17 months old. I’ve been a very good girl this year and I’m so excited for Christmas. I love all the colored lights and decoration­s. I would like to have a new coloring book, crayons, a kitchen play set and a special treat for my kitties Cali and Strode. I will leave some milk and cookies for you and some carrots for the reindeer. Love Reegan xoxo

Dear Santa Claus,

My name is Landon Lundrigan, I’ll be 4 in March and I live in the Goulds.

I hope you and Mrs.claus has a great year and thanks for the fun things you brought last year. I’ve been trying my best to be a good boy for my Mom and Dad. This year, I’d like a Scarlett Bandit monster truck and a surprise. Please don’t forget my ‘big sister’ Roxie, she’d like some treats and a new toy.

Also, don’t forget to visit me at my dad’s house, all my cousins, friends and especially the children spending Christmas at the Janeway.

Safe travels on your big night! I’ll be sure to leave you and your reindeer a snack.

Love your little buddy, Landon Lundrigan

Dear Santa,

Hi, my name is Kolton. I am only one and a half years old, so my Mommy is helping me write my letter to you. Everyone says I have been a really good boy all year. Thank you for all the great things

you brought for me last year. I had a wonderful First Christmas! I love playing with cars and trucks, maybe you could bring me a few more to add to my collection? I am very interested in coloring, so I would like some new crayons, books and paper of my very own, please. I also love it when my Mommy and Daddy read to me, so some new books would be exciting. I would love any surprises you want to bring for me.

Please remember a treat for our cats, Kaycee and Klinger. And of course, don’t forget my big brother, Logan. We are both very excited for Christmas this year! Please say hello to Mrs. Claus, the Reindeer and all of the Elves for me. Merry Christmas!

Fly Safe,

Kolton Whitty

Torbay, NL

Dear Santa,

Hi, my name is Logan. I am three and a half years old and although I can’t write yet myself, I’m telling my Mommy what I’d like to say as she writes it down for me. I’ve been trying really hard to be a very good boy all year! Thank you for all the wonderful things you brought for me last year. This year I would like a wooden Fire Station, a Play-doh Oven and some new Play-doh. I am all out of glitter glue that I use for making crafts. Would you be able to bring me some more, please? I would also love any surprises you want to leave for me. Please don’t forget my little brother, Kolton; our kitty cats, Kaycee and Klinger; as well as all of my daycare friends. On Christmas Eve, we will leave some milk and cookies out for you, and some carrots for the reindeer too. Merry Christmas! Fly Safe,

Logan Whitty

Torbay, NL

Dear Santa,

My name is Ava Shymoniak, I am 2 1/2 years old and I live in Athabasca, AB. I’m very excited for Christmas this year. I’m too small to write so my mommy is writing this letter for me. For Christmas this year I would like a V-tech Activity Desk, the Leapfrog Alphabet Game, a pair of skates including skating accessorie­s, a slide and a few small surprises. Santa last year I was lucky enough to spend Christmas with my family in Newfoundla­nd unfortunat­ely I won’t see them this year and I miss them terribly, could you please make sure to visit them on Christmas Eve especially my Nanny and Poppy Gorman and be extra kind to my cousins Darion, Dakota, Quinn, Hunter & Hayden and my Baby cousin Emmy who is just 4 months old. Santa please don’t forget all the sick children in hospital that won’t get to spend Christmas at home with their families. Have a safe flight on Christmas Eve Santa, mommy and I will be tracking you.

Lots of Love

Ava Shymoniak

Dear Santa,

My name is Ava Gibson and I am 8 years old and live in Calvert. Thank you very much for all the presents that you brought me last year. Can you also please thank my elf Bert for the gift he gave me last year. This year for Christmas I would like for you to bring me Perler Beads, a snuggly blanket and a new dress, pyjamas

and shoes for my American Girl Doll. I would also like some new books and a surprise. Can you also please bring something nice for my cat Bella, my cousins Evan Power and Shyanne Rossiter, and all my friends at Baltimore school. I will leave some milk and cookies for you and a drink of water for the reindeer.

Love Ava Gibson


Dear Santa.

Hi, my name is Talia. I am 5 weeks old and very excited to learn what Christmas is all about and to meet you and your reindeer.

For Christmas I would like if you could bring me some books, some outfits and any surprises you would like for me to have.

My big sister Alexandra and I will leave some milk and cookies for you to enjoy on Christmas eve. Talia Griffin-myler

St. John’s, NL

Dear Santa

My name is Emily Janes. I am finally 5 years old! I am in Kindergart­en at Paradise Elementary School. My teacher’s name is Ms. Stanley, and she is so wonderful! Mommy and Daddy tell me I have been pretty awesome, especially to my little sister Kaylie! This year, could you please bring me a new baby doll, a big LOL doll and a squshie! You can bring Kaylie the same stuff!!

Stop at my Nana and Poppy’s house too. Nana would like some chocolate chip cookies, the kind from No Frills and Poppy would like some Oreo’s! My Nanny would like some new socks, she always tries to get me to sneak her some of Mommy’s! Uncle Bob needs some molasses for his gingerbrea­d! My doggy Mayer will bark when you come to my house, but don’t be afraid, he’s a real sweet doggy! You just need to give him a treat!

Santa, thank you for all the gifts and special treats you bring to all the kids all over the world! Please remember to visit the Janeway and surprise the kids there! You’re doing a great job!

I will try to wait up for you! Love,

Emily Janes


Dear Santa

My name is Kaylie Janes. I am 2 1/2 years old and I live in Paradise with my big sister Emily, Mommy, Daddy and my puppy dog Mayer. I have been a fantastic girl! My sissy teaches me a lot! This year for Christmas, could you please bring me a new baby doll, a Bubble Gum machine ( just like sissy’s), an LOL doll and some new jammies! I like to paint my poppy’s nails! Maybe you can bring me some new nail polish! He really likes the color blue! Please bring my Nana some new jammies, she really likes to wear them when I am over to her house! Can you bring my Nanny a new necklace, a real pretty one! My aunts Erin and Dana would like something special too. They are great aunts.

Santa, can you say hi to Elfie and Papa Elf! I love them so very much!

Have a safe trip, Santa! I will look out for you Christmas Eve! Sissy told me when Mommy and Daddy put us to bed, we can wait up a little longer, listening for you!

I love you, Santa!

Kaylie Janes


Dear Santa,

My name is Aiden Edward Benoit. I will be only 5 months old at Christmas time making this my first Christmas ever!

I have an older sister, Jada, who is my very best friend. She is a very good big sister and deserves something extra special for being so nice to me. She is 3 years old. So far this year, I have spent a lot of time with my mommy and daddy. For Christmas they are asking for a silent night but will understand if this is too much to ask for.

I have been learning lots and trying very hard to show off how cute I am. By doing that, I believe that I should make the nice list for sure! If you can, I would like a crawling lion and some soft blocks to help me learn as I grow. I will continue to be the best boy that I can be and will make sure that we remember to leave plenty of snacks out for you and your reindeer.

Love and best wishes that you have a Merry Christmas! Aiden Benoit (5 months)

Dear Santa,

My name is Jada Elizabeth Benoit and I am 3 years old. Thank you for visiting last year and for all of the wonderful presents that you brought me.

I was a good girl this year because “I pees in the potty” and I am “nice to all of my friends.” I have also been a very good big sister as I help my little brother Aiden by “shushing him when he is sad” and “playing peek-a-boo with him to make him smile. “This year for Christmas I would like toys that are My Little Pony, Paw Patrol and PJ Masks.

I will leave carrots for your reindeer and a cup of tea and cookies for you on Christmas Eve.

I know you’ll have a busy night, Santa, but please don’t forget about all of the other boys and girls around the world including my cousin Arianna (5 years) who lives in England.

I also hope you get some time to enjoy this holiday season with your north pole family.

Merry Christmas!

Jada Benoit (3 years)

Dear Santa,

My name is Peyton Walsh, I’m 4 years old and live in Tors Cove. I have been a really good girl this year and would love a Hatchimal, Shimmer & Shine Boat and new Jammies.

My poppy Mikey went to heaven this year and I was hoping that you could send some extra hugs and kisses to him from me and my new little brother Cameron. We miss him so much and

Christmas this year will be hard without him.

Please don’t forget all the other girls and boys this year and also the sick kids in hospital.

We will leave a snack for you. Love, Peyton

Dear Santa,

My name is Cameron Walsh, I’m 5 months old and live in Tors Cove.

This is my very first Christmas and I have been such a good boy. I would like some new toys to help me learn, a Crawl Around Car, Activity Ball Center, and new toys for the bath tub. My big sister Peyton is going to help me open my presents this year, she’s so excited.

Don’t forget all the other girls and boys, especially the kids that are sick and have to be in hospital. We will leave a snack for you and the reindeer.

Love, Cameron

Dear Santa,

How are you and Mrs. Claus, I hope you are good and the reindeer too.

My name is Grace Mcgrath and I am six years old. I have been a really good girl this year.

For Christmas this year I would like a reborn doll, a fingerling and a num num lipstick truck. If you want you can bring me a surprise too. Please be good to my older brother and sister too, they have really tried to be good. And don’t forget my mom and dad. Also, this is really important, please don’t forget the sick children in the hospital and their families.

I will leave some milk and homemade cookies for you and some carrots for the reindeer.

Love your friend,

Grace Mcgrath

Mount Pearl, NL

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