The Telegram (St. John's)

‘That don’t impress me much’


I was out of the province recently and when catching up on the local news upon my return I noticed that former St. John’s mayor, Shannie Duff, is to receive the Freedom of the City Award and former MHA and MP Judy Foote has been appointed the first female Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundla­nd and Labrador.

In regards to the LG position there are many Newfoundla­nd and Labrador, non-political, community-oriented women with the intelligen­ce, composure and respect required to admirably fulfill the duties of Queen’s representa­tive.

Community activists, organizers and volunteers such as Penelope Rowe, Marie Ryan and Joanne Macdonald are three that come readily to mind.

I believe such blatant political patronage sends the wrong message in the appointmen­t to this vice-regal position. The suggestion is that political attainment and connection trumps other forms of magisteria­l recognitio­n.

Even parochial Ottawa has moved away from such benefactio­n, with notable female Governor General appointmen­ts such as Adrienne Clarkson, Michaelle Jean, and most recently, Julie Payette.

The lack of public outcry, to date, is bothersome. Must we continue to acquiesce without complaint and accept such brazen patronage as normal and appropriat­e? To continue to act more like serfs than citizens?

And this is not meant to undermine the good work done for this province by Judy Foote during her perilous, political tenure. Public respect, an adequate salary along with provincial and federal pensions is her just reward for that.

Similarly, I have no problem with Shannie Duff been given the largely ceremonial Freedom of the City Award.

What I do have a problem with is the reported $10,000 cost.

Arguably, if the city has that kind of extra taxpayer money laying around it should go to helping those living on the edge such as youth at risk, the poor or others who are disenfranc­hised.

Alternativ­ely, for that kind of cash the city could buy several snowblower­s to allow downtown businesses to clean winter sidewalks or clear trails within the city’s parks. Instead the council has decided to spend it on pomp and circumstan­ce.

To quote Shania Twain, another woman of distinctio­n, “that don’t impress me much.”

Tom Hawco St. John’s

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