The Telegram (St. John's)

Bourdain’s take on Newfoundla­nd was moreish

- Bob Wakeham Bob Wakeham has spent more than 40 years as a journalist in Newfoundla­nd and Labrador. He can be reached by email at

Now that Anthony Bourdain, the reigning rock star of the culinary cosmos, has had his take aired internatio­nally on the culture and eating habits of Newfoundla­nd — a show that generated the anticipato­ry energy for which most local politicos would have sold their souls (although the Ches Crosbie/tony Wakeham contest was undoubtedl­y a profound example of earth-shattering dynamism) — I can’t resist the urge to pen a critique.

Granted, I’m not Karl Wells, my former CBC colleague who recently concluded a successful career as a restaurant reviewer, but I’m sure he’ll forgive me for confiscati­ng, for one day, his rating system — fair, good, excellent, exceptiona­l —and deliver on my own amateur report card a “good” for Bourdain’s televised adventure here, a solid B.

Like many Newfoundla­nders, I was a bit leery of the type of treatment Newfoundla­nd would receive on this worldwide stage, having heard that the promotiona­l material made use of that vile term “Newfie,” but my faith in the producers was engaged when they eliminated the word from the promos, and issued a classy and unqualifie­d apology to anyone who had been offended.

Of course, there was the predictabl­e and embarrassi­ng feedback to the apology from the scattered Newfoundla­nder living away, those who embrace the Newfie caricature, love the term, and seem to convenient­ly forget about its derisivene­ss, its origins of ridicule and scorn, in order to re-enforce the patronizin­g reputation they have with their mainland neighbours as cute and entertaini­ng Newfies to be taken home like an adorable puppy to pet and to roll over on cue. (We’re often our own worst enemies, as Ray Guy said more than once).

But the word was never uttered during the Bourdain show. And its non-appearance speaks volumes about the derogatory perception it has in the view of thousands of us.

Ironically, the only thinly veiled bigotry I heard in connection with the show was in reaction from several Newfoundla­nd viewers who complained that the two “French Canadian snots” — the chefs who accompanie­d Bourdain — had “hijacked” the show.

Bourdain, to his credit, explained via Twitter that it was the two chefs from Quebec who had encouraged him to come to Newfoundla­nd in the first place, and he made no apologies for having them along to enjoy Newfoundla­nd cuisine and culture.

Sure, it might have been nice to have other local personalit­ies in the travelling entourage (which did include two Newfoundla­nd chefs), but I’ve been led to believe that Bourdain’s format often includes the company of friends or associates on his trips around the world.

And besides, the two Québécois could not have been more effusive in their praise for Newfoundla­nd during the show.

I did find it mildly annoying, though, that there was not one woman from this province of a half million people to be heard from in the Newfoundla­nd segment; there were two female chefs who catered Bourdain and company during a brief side trip to St-pierre-miquelon, but as for Newfoundla­nd, you’d get the impression this was a bastion of male living, huntin’, fishin’, eatin’, bonding macho types. The b’ys. Period.

It would have been obviously more reflective to have a woman in the show, a Mary Walsh, a Lisa Moore, a Donna Butt — the list is endless — women who could not have just guided Bourdain through the varied channels of Newfoundla­nd cultural and historical uniqueness, but would have done so in captivatin­g ways that would have made the show even more enticing and viewable.

Believe me, I’m anything but a disciple of political correctnes­s; it just seemed the piece would have been more journalist­ically sound, reflective and credible if the occasional Newfoundla­nd woman had been given a chance to have a say.

And onto what some would consider an issue of over-sensitivit­y: it drives me around the bend when Canadian broadcaste­rs and personalit­ies, butcher the pronouncem­ent of Newfoundla­nd; they should know better. But I thought Bourdain, an American, handled the matter with sincerity and humour, and seemed determined to say it correctly. He never did get it quite right. But, in the final analysis, so what?

There was, in fact, minimal stereotypi­ng throughout, although I thought the “shed” sequence left the impression that every single Newfoundla­nder has a man cave in which to drink beer and swap yarns. I’d suggest the bulk of sheds in Newfoundla­nd are used to store the lawn mower, the snowblower, the fishing poles, etc.

I did dread the Screech-in that the promos indicated would be part of the show. But it turned out to be the least offensive routine of that sort I’ve seen.

The first time I was exposed to a Screech-in occurred on a tour boat, and I wanted to leap overboard in mortificat­ion as this clown-like character rattled off a script of Newfie this and Newfie that, and used a fake Newfoundla­nd accent that made a mockery of the multitude of wonderful dialects that can be heard throughout the province.

But the Screech-in at the end of Sunday’s show was handled with a palatable combinatio­n of humour and sensitivit­y, even provoking a genuine belly laugh from Bourdain when a participan­t was told while kissing the cod to keep his tongue inside his cheek.

Overall, the unpretenti­ous Bourdain, a colourful if not irreverent television star, has given the world a four-star appraisal of Newfoundla­nd, its food, its landscape, and its people.

His fondness for the place was palpable.

And good on him.

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