The Telegram (St. John's)

Attacks, lies and videotape


Well, it’s an interestin­g pivot, if nothing else.

Thursday night, current and past Conservati­ve supporters heard a message from a familiar ex-politician.

“Andrew Scheer and I both know that it’s time for you to get ahead. Your help is critical as we head into the 2019 federal election. I’m asking for you to donate today — to help secure a Conservati­ve majority government this fall.”

The politician? Former prime minister Stephen Harper. The Conservati­ves haven’t necessaril­y been in Harper-denial — after all, he is arguably the most successful Conservati­ve leader in Canada in recent history. But since the Conservati­ves lost in 2015, the party has seemed to soft-pedal any connection between the Harper-era Conservati­ves and the current crew.

That’s apparently changed.

But it’s not the only thing that’s changed.

The Tory fundraisin­g pitch included a video of Harper asking for support — a video that was quickly co-opted by the federal Liberals, who, in mere hours, posted their own link to the same video as a Liberal fundraiser, saying, “The Conservati­ves don’t like it when we point out that Andrew Scheer wants to take Canada back to the days of Stephen Harper. … Well don’t take our word for it, just listen to Harper fundraisin­g for Scheer in this new video. Donate now to choose forward with Justin Trudeau rather than going backwards under Stephen Harper. Sorry, we meant Andrew Scheer.”

What’s it mean? Well, it probably depends on how you feel about Harper. Both the Liberals and the Conservati­ves are preaching more to the converted than to anything else, trying to raise funds from people already clearly identified as their supporters. What does it mean to everyone else? Perhaps that this election is going to involve very fast thrust-and-parry attacks that will move almost instantane­ously through the social media world.

As a result, there will be mistakes and misinforma­tion, and there are almost certain to be real clangers as politician­s angle to have their attacks go viral — even if it turns out those attacks are wrong or misstated.

In other words, it’s going to be fast and nasty, and it’s unlikely that any party is going to be able to stay on any sort of high ground.

It also means that we are all virtually guaranteed to be bombarded with informatio­n of questionab­le accuracy. Shoot-from-the-lip messages have always had clear risks, but since they are weaponized and unstoppabl­e once released on social media, their impact can be much more widespread.

It adds an extra burden on all of us to ensure that what we read on social media is actually true before we “like” it or share it with online friends and acquaintan­ces.

If you’re joyfully repeating a lie, after all, you’re lying, too.

Many people seem to have forgotten that fact.

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