The Telegram (St. John's)

Coffee Break supports Alzheimer Society SAM MCNEISH/THE TELEGRAM

Public asked to celebrate World Alzheimer's Day on Saturday by taking a photo and posting on social media with hashtag #Gobluefora­lz

- Samuel.mcneish@thetelegra­ SAM MCNEISH

It was busy in downtown St. John’s Thursday morning.

People stopping by Rocket Bakery for a morning coffee on their way to work could support the Alzheimer Society of Newfoundla­nd and Labrador (ASNL) as it raised funds and awareness of dementia.

Rocket Bakery served as the local host for Coffee Break, the Alzheimer Society's major nationwide annual fundraiser where friends, coworkers and customers gather to raise funds for local Alzheimer societies.

World Alzheimer’s Day is Saturday and the ASNL is asking the public to wear blue and post a photo on social media with the hashtag #Gobluefora­lz, so ASNL can share the photo. In addition, the Confederat­ion Building and Government House will both be lit up blue, in addition to a host of landmarks across the country in support of World Alzheimer’s Day.

There are 9,642 people living with Alzheimer’s across Canada who get support from the ASNL, and from hundreds of others dedicated to helping those with the disease.

A couple from Texas, Jean Marie and Allen Jenkins, stopped by for a coffee to support the event as they travel around the province.

“We are from Lewisville, Texas, just north of Dallas. We are here to escape the heat,’’ Allen said.

“This vacation is great. We are heading to Elliston for the Roots, Rants and Roars festival, down to Cape St. Mary’s, Mistaken Point, Pouch Cove and other spots,’’ Jean Marie added.

Another person on hand for Coffee Break was Harold Hefferton, a member of the ASNL board, but also someone who knows the hardships of Alzheimer’s disease.

“My wife, Barbara (Nugent), has been in Pleasantvi­ew Towers now for nine months,’’ Hefferton said, tears welling up in his eyes.

“It has been tough us,’’ the former manager of St. John’s Internatio­nal Airport added.

A host of individual­s and Rocket Bakery staff were on hand to help pour coffee and meet and greet customers.

Mount Pearl Southlands MHA Paul Lane manned the espresso machine and poured regular coffee.

Also assisting in that task was one of the event’s sponsors, Craig Mcdonald, the regional director for N.L. of IG Wealth Management.

The staff from the ASNL was also on site chatting with the public and offering assistance and knowledge where they could.

Informatio­n about the ASNL'S services is available online at

 ??  ?? Jean Marie and Allen Jenkins of Lewisville, Texas, stopped by Rocket Bakery for a coffee Thursday as they travel around the province on vacation.
Jean Marie and Allen Jenkins of Lewisville, Texas, stopped by Rocket Bakery for a coffee Thursday as they travel around the province on vacation.

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