The Telegram (St. John's)

Back on the ice

Newfoundla­nd boy’s passion for hockey helps him through cancer recovery


Scott Howell had no idea when he and his co-workers at were fundraisin­g to grant wishes to children with life-threatenin­g illnesses that his son Clark would one day be on the receiving end of a wish.

“We at EY (Ernst and Young) sponsored a number of (Children’s Wish Foundation) kids prior to Clark’s diagnosis,” Scott said.

During an interview at the family’s home in Southlands, St. John’s, NL on Sept. 14, Clark sat still long enough to answer a few questions before heading out the door for a bike ride with his eight-year-old brother, Aaron.

His excitement may have been attributed to the fact that it was his 11th birthday.

Clark loves and plays lots of sports, but his favourite is easily hockey. His favourite NHL team? The Tampa Bay Lightning.

When he begins to talk about hockey, his father suggests Clark show off his bedroom. In less than 10 seconds, Clark is bolting up the stairs.

“I got this jersey from Kucherov. He’s the best player ever,” Clark says, pointing to a framed jersey on the wall of Lightning right-winger Nikita Kucherov.

Hung next to Kucherov’s jersey is another one in a frame, this one is of former Lightning right-winger Ryan Callahan.

There is also a large decal of Kucherov on Clark’s wall and various other items with the logo of the child’s beloved hockey team – right down to a Tampa Bay Lighting nightlight.

Clark’s own large medal collection hangs near the jerseys.

“Hockey, hockey, baseball, soccer,” he says, pointing to several of the medals.

Clark and his family went to Florida in October 2018, where they took in a game and Clark had the opportunit­y to meet some of his favourite players, including Kucherov, Callahan and the team’s captain, Steven Stamkos.

Scott credits his twin brother, Chris, who lives in Florida, for helping make the trip possible. Hockey NL’S Jack Lee was also helpful in reaching out to the team, as was a friend, Carmen Boland.

The trip was a joyful moment amidst a challengin­g time for the family. Clark was diagnosed with a rare type of cancer called Ewing sarcoma almost two years ago after he began experienci­ng leg pain.

His treatments, which finished in June 2018, included six rounds of chemothera­py followed by femur resection surgery and another eight rounds of chemothera­py.

“He got delayed a little bit at the end (of chemo) because it was wearing on him ... but he finished it up a whole lot quicker than anyone thought he would,” Scott said.

Scott and his wife Nicolle are grateful to Dr. Frank O’dea for the thought and planning he put into their son’s surgery which, Scott said, took 15 hours.

Describing Clark’s chemothera­py and femur resection surgery as “intense,” Scott said means a lot to him and Nicolle that Children’s Wish recently announced it would provide their son with whatever wish he decides upon.

While Clark hasn’t yet made that decision, he understand­s what a wish is all about.

“Kids that have to go in hospital get to have a wish after they are done (with treatment),” he said.

Dave Walsh, the developmen­t coordinato­r of the Children's Wish Foundation of Canada's Newfoundla­nd and Labrador chapter, said Clark’s wish is being granted by the Central Dairies/agropur “Milk Duds” through TIMBER MART Heroes Challenge that takes place on Sept. 27.

Walsh describes the challenge as a fun corporate event where teams compete for points through physical and mental challenges.

“Each team has pledged to raise $10,000, the average cost of a wish, and have been paired with a wish child in this province,” Walsh said via email.

According to a 2017 Children’s Wish Impact Study, the positive emotions a child enjoys when planning and experienci­ng a wish have a powerful impact on their family and their healing process.

The study also notes there are positive physical benefits from the planning and experience of a wish that has a monumental and lasting impact on the child and their family.

Clark is doing great and will continue to be followed by his health care team at the Janeway.

Aaron was with his brother “every step of the way,” Scott said.

Throughout their son’s cancer journey, Scott and Nicolle opted to look at their glass as half-full rather than half-empty. They are fortunate to have supportive employers - Scott continues to work for Ernst and Young, while Nicolle is a nurse with Eastern Health - and their sons have devoted grandparen­ts. Other family and friends have helped them a great deal over the past two years, they said.

Clark’s teacher, Julia Butt at Newtown Elementary in Mount Pearl, also went above and beyond for Clark, the couple said.

They also give accolades to the Mount Pearl Blades - Clark was an All-star Atom player - for the support they showed Clark during his illness and recovery.

The Mount Pearl Soccer Associatio­n was also supportive, Nicolle said.

In telling their family’s story, it’s important to Scott and Nicolle that they recognize organizati­ons that support children with cancer.

The Children’s Wish Foundation, Dr. Jack Hand Legacy Foundation, Candleligh­ters Associatio­n of NL, Shave for the Brave, Nevaeh’s Lemonade Stand are among those groups.

Winston Churchill said, “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference," and his parents say that's certainly the case for Clark.

With hockey season just around the corner, Clark is eager to lace up his skates and join his buddies on the Mount Pearl Glacier.

His determinat­ion, grit and positive attitude over the past two years will bode him well both on and off the ice.

 ?? SUBMITTED ?? Clark Howell at the Janeway Children’s Hospital in St. John’s on Dec. 1, 2017. Clark spent that Christmas in the Janeway.
SUBMITTED Clark Howell at the Janeway Children’s Hospital in St. John’s on Dec. 1, 2017. Clark spent that Christmas in the Janeway.
 ?? SUBMITTED ?? Clark Howell with his favourite hockey player, Tampa Bay Lightning right-winger Nikita Kucherov.
SUBMITTED Clark Howell with his favourite hockey player, Tampa Bay Lightning right-winger Nikita Kucherov.
 ?? SUBMITTED ?? Nicolle and Scott Howell, with their sons Aaron and Clark, proudly wear their hockey jerseys for an April 12, 2018 photo taken during a tribute in Mount Pearl to the Humboldt Bronos hockey team.
SUBMITTED Nicolle and Scott Howell, with their sons Aaron and Clark, proudly wear their hockey jerseys for an April 12, 2018 photo taken during a tribute in Mount Pearl to the Humboldt Bronos hockey team.

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