The Telegram (St. John's)

Brothers celebrate 40 years since life-saving bone marrow donation


Gerard Ryan and his brother have an anniversar­y few from their era can claim — it’s been 40 years since he got the bone marrow transplant from Robert that saved his life.

Gerard was the 13th bone marrow recipient in Canada, and he said the 12 who preceded him died.

Friday marked four decades for him and a chance to not only live, but have a son.

Gerard had been given a slim chance of survival.

“It’s unbelievab­le. It’s crazy,” said Robert Ryan, who, like his brother, lives in St. John’s.

“Twenty years old and they think you got the world by the tail and the doctor says at the time you probably got six months to live. It’s not an easy thing to listen to. I was pretty lucky and I’ve been optimistic ever since,” Gerard said.

He was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and given three to five months to live.

Robert had just turned 20 on Jan. 10, 1980, and the next week was being prepped at Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto to donate bone marrow to his brother, who is three years younger. Both Robert and a sister were a match — Gerard has three brothers and three sisters — but he was chosen, as he is the same gender and closer in age.

He didn’t even read the informatio­n sheet about the risks, because donating was a given.

“It wasn’t even a considerat­ion,” Robert said.

He recalled how different the technology was then, as well as the procedure, and the chances of his brother’s survival.

“It was highly experiment­al — really pie in the sky,” Robert said, adding that at the time it was only believed to work for identical twins.

“He was one of the lucky ones.”

To extract the marrow, doctors drilled into Robert’s bone, making about 300 punctures.

According to informatio­n on the Canadian Blood Services website, the procedure has changed drasticall­y for donors — hollow needles withdraw stem cells from the bone marrow from the back of pelvic bones. The procedure lasts 45 to 90 minutes.

In the intervenin­g years, Gerard has had a rare form of breast cancer and a tumour removed from his leg, but recovered from both incidents.

The brothers have a special bond, and to mark the occasion they make sure to call each other on the anniversar­y or get together.

Gerard said 40 years ago, the doctors didn’t tell him much of anything in terms of a long-term prognosis because it was so risky.

“It seems so surreal. … I guess they didn’t want to be discouragi­ng,” said Gerard, who has always been athletic, enjoying sports like squash and floor hockey.

On Day 13 after the procedure, Gerard developed pneumonia, a potentiall­y deadly situation for someone with a compromise­d immune system.

“I went into a 40-day coma,” he said.

“We almost lost him a couple of times,” Robert recalled.

Gerard, who was in the hospital for a full year after the transplant, encourages everyone to register with the worldwide bone marrow bank.

“Because when I was done, they would test all your family members for compatibil­ity. … Technology is so advanced now they can go outside your family and take matches. … The more people who register, the bigger the bank gets.”

He is also still involved in research through Princess Margaret, and speaks to people who are going through the same thing. They are not as frequent as in the early years, but he is still an inspiratio­n to many.

“I tell them how much better technology is than it was 40 years ago,” he said. “It eases their minds about what they are going through. Typically anybody who goes through a transplant is told that without the transplant you are going to die. Either it works, or it doesn’t.”

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D ?? Gerard Ryan (left) received a bone marrow transplant 40 years ago from his brother, Rob (right). With them is Rob’s son, Stephen.
CONTRIBUTE­D Gerard Ryan (left) received a bone marrow transplant 40 years ago from his brother, Rob (right). With them is Rob’s son, Stephen.

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