The Telegram (St. John's)

Raptors’ Vanvleet a throwback to when we looked up to athletes


Fred Vanvleet is the type of athlete who restores one’s faith in the concept of athletes as role models.

At a time when it’s easier than ever to just put today’s profession­al athlete in that box reserved for the overpaid and unrealisti­c and even tone deaf to the real world, the Raptors’ point guard is a reminder that not all athletes fit that mould.

Vanvleet is unlucky in that his first real crack at free agency, that first time he can actually take a run at longterm security and a huge payday, is almost definitely going to be less than what it would have been had this pandemic not occurred.

Leagues around the world are shut down and when they re-open it’s going to be lighter pockets. The good times they will not be. The first to be hit will be this year’s free agents and Vanvleet is among those best situated to cash in. At least he would have been had this COVID-19 not appeared.

Vanvleet has worked himself up from an undrafted player with little to no leverage to the point where he is respected and coveted around the league in just four seasons.

Heading into his first run at true free agency and coming off a solid season and a stellar NBA Finals, he was looking at something in the multi-year $20-million a season range before the Coronaviru­s stopped us all cold in our tracks. Now? Who knows? Vanvleet could be bitter and all woe-is-me at the timing of it, but he’s not and that comes as a surprise to no one who has ever dealt with this young man on even one occasion.

Self-pity is not in his DNA. “Obviously I think about it,” Vanvleet said of his looming free agency on a conference call with the locals that cover the Raptors. “I’m not one of those guys that tries to like give a vanilla answer. Yeah,

I think about it. I’m human. I felt like I worked myself into a good position, I was having a helluva year and I was planning on having a great playoffs to cap that off.

“I think I was in good shape and I think more so than worry about what woulda, coulda, shoulda happened it’s more so like what’s going to happen,” Vanvleet said. “Are they gonna move the dates around, does free agency move, how does it affect the cap? Those things (are) more so what I’m thinking about versus oh, woe is me just because it’s something that happens to everybody. It didn’t just happen to me and I just happen to be in this position.

“I’m pretty flexible and I adapt and I think the work that I’ve done is kind of done and hopefully we get a chance to finish the season but if not,

I’m happy with the year I’ve put on display and (ready to) let the business take care of the business. I have full faith that everything will work out the way it’s supposed to. Not really worried about it too much.”

But the real restorativ­e moment in his 20-minute conversati­on with the media came after that. It came when he was asked about the hit he’ll probably take with the money no longer there after an extended shutdown of the league.

“… At the end of the day I think people’s health and well-being and frame of mind is a lot more important than a couple million here or there, because we’re all filthy rich compared to what we came from in the first place, so I don’t think anybody’s crying over it. I just think that it sucks when you do start to think about what woulda happened, shoulda happened, so (I) try to stay away from that as much as possible.”

Another example of the man the Raptors were so smart in pursuing is how he’s approachin­g the impact he can have on his hometown of Rockford, Ill., where he and his family are riding out this pandemic.

Just outside of Chicago, Rockford is as blue collar as communitie­s come. It’s not rich by any means at the best of times which these are not. But rather than write a cheque and be done with it, Vanvleet wants to know how best he can be of service to his community.

“I didn’t want to rush home and just throw a bunch of money somewhere just to look good,” he said. “I kind of have been waiting to see what they really need because our needs in Rockford are much different than, say Toronto. There are less cases and less people so I’m kind of waiting to see. I’ve been in communicat­ion with our mayor and some of the officials for the city to just kind of see what is exactly needed and then I will do what I can to help.”

In the meantime he’s got his employees from his clothing store in downtown Rockford delivering lunches to health care workers and the other “essential” workers in the community.

It’s exactly the approach we have come to expect from a young man who is wise beyond his years and lives up to that antiquated notion of role models.

 ?? POSTMEDIA ?? In just four years, Toronto Raptor Fred Vanvleet has come a long way from his start as an undrafted player.
POSTMEDIA In just four years, Toronto Raptor Fred Vanvleet has come a long way from his start as an undrafted player.

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