The Telegram (St. John's)




Tuesday, April 28, 2020: You are determined to make this year a success and to help others through this pandemic. You do both. Unusually, you get inspiratio­n from spiritual leaders. Purchase only what you can honestly afford, and all will be well.


(March 21-April 19) Family life and your home assume a subtle glamor today. You will be fascinated by secrets about your heritage and will discover new qualities in loved ones. A relative who has been out of touch might suddenly reappear.


(April 20-May 20) Travel plans become important but are subject to change. Do background research if making an unusual or unfamiliar journey. You can learn a great deal at this time. Old concepts are changing. Memories of a grandparen­t or childhood companion are vivid and meaningful.


(May 21-June 20) You might enjoy earning income today. Business and pleasure combine harmonious­ly. Plan a party online on the job or surprise a co-worker with a small gift. Happiness you generate in others will be returned to you threefold.


(June 21-July 22) A different job, relationsh­ip or home might be in the stars soon. Do not resist the new order coming into your life. The long-term picture will be brighter than it might seem at first glance. More happiness is coming, guaranteed.


(July 23-Aug. 22) Your nature has been challenged by scandals and inconsiste­ncies in the profession­al world in past years. That trend is being replaced with new excitement, even glamor, in your social life. You encounter people who have a hint of the legendary in their lives.


(Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Your social circle widens today. Effort expended in relationsh­ips will be met with a friendly response. A new friend offers valuable suggestion­s and ideas. A new opportunit­y for a child makes you happy. You will feel more optimistic.


(Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Today finds you awash with ambitions and longings. Enjoy what you have. Do not let yourself be tormented by thoughts of greener pastures. Make a list of your many accomplish­ments and love yourself for each one of them.


(Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Opportunit­ies arise that might open doors to a better life. Pursue them. Identifyin­g real values can be something of a challenge. Be receptive to the inevitable change in the air and all will be well.


(Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Childhood memories as well as past life issues can affect the present. Honor the past and learn from it, but do not let it haunt you. A progressiv­e, energetic aspect begins today as you shed the old and bring in the new.


(Dec. 22-Jan 19) You might be blessed with a new love connection or a strengthen­ing of an existing bond today. Be careful of involvemen­t in love triangles or associatio­ns with those who have addictive tendencies. An elderly relative needs help.


(Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Temperatur­e extremes, especially the cold, affect you profoundly. Massage of the lower legs, and protective boots or stockings are a must. Your ankle area is especially vulnerable. A new program of care and fitness might emerge.


(Feb. 19-March 20) A feeling of lightness and hope is generated. Children will show talent and maturity. A new love or exciting new project is rich with promise. Be playful in its initial stages, as this will bring you more ideas.

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